Eleventh Hour

275 17 16

Close to my heart jump in the deep end

Just let me in and let me show you what I'm meaning

A/N There are some Urdu words used here, if you want to know the meanings, make sure you read the Author's Note at the end of the chapter first.

Waliyha's POV

"Can you fix my hair, it's getting ruined", Sasha complained running the curler through her hair.

Sariya and Lila both got up, busying themselves on either side of Sasha. Aroosa and I leaned against the bed, all ready to head downstairs.

"If we're all too busy here, has anyone bothered to check up on Nikita?"

And just like that everyone in the room just paused. Each and every single person stopped what they were doing, to look at me. As the panic started to set in, Lila cleared her throat.

"Guys, I'm the wedding planner, don't you think I have got this figured? Doniya, Eleanor, auntie Zileh and auntie Sarwat have gotten dressed early to help her. So don't worry and finish up fast, we have barely an hour remaining!"

I along with fifteen or so others in the room, let out collective sighs. Thank god for Lila, things wouldn't have been gone as smoothly as it had, if it wasn't for her.

I stared at the design on the wallpaper out of total boredom.

When a person has absolutely nothing to do, their mind automatically go to things they had stuffed into the furthest corners of their brain. And just like everybody else, I was doing the same.

I had been avoiding both Kabir and Max for three days straight. Whenever either of them had been near me, I made it my mission to get out of that room. But time was running out and I knew I couldn't stall anymore. I had to face my fears and get this over with.

I got up from the bed and was out of the room using the ruse of checking up on decorations. I mindlessly wondered around the house for about ten minutes, before I found him in the foyer.

"Max, can I please talk to you for a minute?"

He looked back, a smile automatically coming to his face. He walked towards me, arms stretched, but I raised my hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"Wait, Just- listen, I have some important things to discuss."

He looked mortified. I wouldn't blame him though, my words sounded pretty ominous.

I lead him through the crowded hallways, towards the quieter part of the house. When we finally reached a cozy sitting room, I ushered him to the lone couch, sitting down next to him.

Without even a look in his way, I started narrating my story. How Kabir and I met, how we fell in love, and everything that culminated to our break up. I could hear his sharp intake of breathe from time to time, but didn't dare a glance his way.

I didn't complete my story, but knew when I had to put a stop to it, because no matter what, Max was a person who I really cared about, and I couldn't hurt him more than I already had. When I turned my gaze to him, his eyes were brimming with tears, and that brought boulder size guilt in my heart.


"Don't Waliyha, please! Don't hurt me more than you already have. If you loved him all along, then why would you accept my proposal in the first place?"

Because I was the biggest idiot around, is why.

"Listen Max, I know what I did-", and I was interrupted once again.

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