Meet The Parents

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Song(s) for the chapter: One Direction - Magic (Take Me Home)

Zayn’s POV

Something as simple as driving can be pretty difficult when you are as nervous as I was.

I had been struck with the idea while we were at the café, and both Nikita and I had frantically downed our hot chocolates and brownies so that we could get on with it. It was another issue that I had not exactly told her what my plan was.

I hadn’t told her because; well because I just didn’t want her to run away from me again! Or you know disappear, and by this time I had fully come to know that she was adept at both.

The plan was quite quirky but I was pretty sure it was full proof. It would just push Waliyha and Kabir a bit, so that they could listen to their hearts a little better. But, it was also weird. Weird enough that Nikita might misunderstand it or me.

I guess it kind of was to my benefit as well, since I had realized by now that I was crushing on her.

I glanced at her again. Her hands were knotted on her lap and she kept biting on her lip. Is she nervous? Oh my god she’s nervous! And I guess it is entirely my fault, since I hadn’t told her anything about the plan; she must be sweating bullets thinking what it might be.

I can’t back out now; we’re almost to the house anyway.

As I pulled into the driveway of my parents’ house, I quickly got out of the car, to open the door for her.

As she got down, she looked up at me with a smile on her face.

My stomach flipped seeing hers and as usual a smile popped onto my face as well.

I could look at her all day and not have a single regret. I felt like I was back in high school once again, pining for my crush.

Stop looking at her; you don’t want to spend the whole day in this driveway, do you?

Keeping my crazy feelings aside, I walked alongside her to the front door. The door was already unlocked; I pushed it slightly, and led us both in.

Dad and mum were in the dining area talking and my sisters were lazing around the living room.

“Hey guys!” I said trying to get everyone’s attention. “I want you to meet my girlfriend.”

Every single member of my family left their task at hand to gawk at me and my new ‘girlfriend’.

And as for Nikita, she was acting anything but girlfriend like. She started off, looking around for god knows what and now she had a surprised expression on her face. If she didn’t get her act together, our whole play would be over, before it even started.

“Nikita please calm down a bit”, I whispered in her ear “You look more surprised than my family does. It’s all part of the plan. Please just trust me, I’ll explain everything later but for now just play along.”

My words seemed to take an effect on her and she composed herself a bit, smiling at everyone.

Taking her hand in mine and trying to control the electricity that came along with her touch, I addressed my family once again.

“Mum, dad this is Nikita, my girlfriend.”

Mum came forward showcasing the brightest smile on her face, as if she had gotten the best gift in the world.

“Hi darling”, mum said hugging her “I’m Zayn’s mum, Patricia. You can call me Tricia, or Mrs. Malik, whatever you want dear.”

Is it me or is my mum more nervous than both Nikita and I combined?

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