Thirty Days (Part 1)

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It's our paradise
And it's our war zone

Nikita's POV

"Hey babe, where are you?"

His voice automatically made those crazy butterflies appear in my belly. It was like honey, and mixed with that northern touch of his accent, managed to make me feel breathless. I took a huge breathe in hopes of managing my racing heart, it was going faster than a bullet train, I swear.

"Finishing some last minute things at the office."

Thank god I didn't stutter this time, made the lie sound almost believable. Or, at least I hoped.

"I thought you took the day off?"

Oh yeah that. He sure did catch on fast. I didn't want to tell him, telling him would mean ruining the surprise; something I couldn't afford to do.

"Umm- yeah, I did, but since you were running late, I thought I'd just pop in here, and see how things are going, since it is the last day before the move in to our new office."

That sounds believable, at least to my ears, I just hope he was convinced.

There were suddenly sounds of horns blaring from the other end, and Zayn took the opportunity to curse very loudly and almost for a full minute. I couldn't help but giggle, he always did try to keep the swearing at a minimum in front of me, but there were times when he couldn't help himself.

"I didn't like- mean to swear. Sorry about that."

I chuckled again, grabbing a seat on my now bubble wrapped, purple armchair. He was a sweetheart, really.

"I don't mind Zee, it's cute actually, I can almost imagine you running a hand down your face. And let me tell you, you look absolutely adorable doing it."

He groaned eliciting yet another chuckle from me.

"I'm not cute, okay? Stop saying that!", he practically whined.

See what I'm talking about? Absolutely adorable.

"Okay okay, I'll stop. By the way, are you still at Circa?"

"Yeah I am."

He sounded defeated almost. He must have been totally tired out. Leave it to Louis to get piss drunk four in the evening following a fight with Eleanor. And leave it to El, to fly away to Manchester in anger, causing Louis to get, even more drunk!

"Is he okay?"

"If by okay you mean drinking and throwing up all over me and now passed out in the back seat of Liam's car, than sure, he's okay."

Awe! Now I really felt bad for the poor guy. I should try to coax Eleanor to fly back to London at the earliest. Setting aside the fact that I hated when the two of them fought, Louis wasn't doing too good without her. And I without a doubt could say, she must be the exact same.

"How about you? Are you and the rest of the boys okay?"

The background went silent again. He must have walked into a quieter place.

"Niall's sleeping, and Harry's taken with his phone, probably playing Candy Crush. Liam's driving Louis home and I just changed. Thank you for the shirt by the way, not only is it really cool, it also just saved my life."

I had gotten an anchor printed, navy blue shirt for him from Topshop, and given it to him yesterday, so that he could wear it for our date today. It was one of the gifts I had gotten for him, and it looked like I had started off on the right foot.

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