six - finally the day ends

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okay im sorry i just noticed i put one day into like six chapters im sorry but like it wont happen a lot okay. now heres the chapter.


"you killed my father, prepare to die." josh blatantly mutters as the princess bride plays. he's sitting on the edge of his seat with the popcorn bowl held close to his chest, which i had originally made for us to share, and his eyes fixated on the screen like it was about to disappear. although the movie is probably the best known to man, i think he took it a bit too seriously.

"seriously dude, that popcorn wasn't made special just for you." he waved a hand in my direction, quickly dismissing my complaint and shoving another handful of the popcorn in his mouth.

"josh." nothing.

"jooosh." nope.

"jooooosssshhh." nada.

"JOOOSSHHHHHHH." not even a blink in my direction.

"jooossshhhhh, give me attention." i all but wined. he rolled his eyes and kept on with the movie. i groaned yet again and started poking his shoulder. once. twice. three times. four ti-

"OW why would you do that to me? i thought you loved me!" i screamed from the minor pain in my hand, the slap he gave wasn't enough to actually hurt me but was enough to hurt my feelings. he rolled his eyes and filled his mouth again with another hand full of popcorn.

i grabbed the remote and turned the TV off and turning to face josh, who was now moaning out of despair that the screen turned black in the middle of "the legit best movie ever". he turned to me with a death glare, eyes screaming how much they want to kill me at the moment.

"how about you share the popcorn and love me for once and then you get the remote back?" i bargained and he just squinted his eyes at me. soon though, a smirk fell on his face and he grabbed and hand full of popcorn and before i knew it he was throwing it at my face. out of instinct my eyes closed and i flinched back a little.

"there. now i love you and i shared. remote, please?" the cheeky fucking bastard smiled as he said it. i grabbed one of the popcorn thingies from my shirt and threw it at him, while grabbing the bowl of popcorn and jumping up from the couch in time to see josh's shocked face and run away. i heard  his scrambling foot steps behind me as popcorn fell on the floor due to my rushing to get away from the running red headed bean.

i jogged up the stairs as fast as i could with the bowl of popcorn, the remote, and the biggest smile on my face. giggling and laughing i could still hear josh's grunts behind me.

"tyler! give me the fookin popcorn or i swear to satan i will end you!" he screamed and i merely laughed as i ran over to my room and locked the door behind me on time to hear him bang his fists on the door and try the knob.

"you're gunna have to catch me first!" i laughed and flopped back down on my bed with the bowl, grabbing a hand full to treat myself with.

"tyler! tyler open the door! stop hating me! tyler i love you!" his words were muffled by the door but i could still hear him. i smiled at the bowl and confidently let out a simple, "nope."

for a moment i was happy, eating away at my yummy popcorn and havin a nice time. i then realized that the banging on the door had stopped and josh's shadow wasn't able to be seen under the door anymore.

okay im totally not freaked but what the fuck? he was legit out there four minutes ago i swear if he went to go make his own popcorn ill cry, i wanted him to have my special popcorn. his wont taste as good as mine.

"josh?" i yelled out from the bed. nothing.

"jooosh??" a sudden sense of deja vu washed over me and i wonder why.

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