thirteen - woohoo

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i pushed the door to my house open quickly.
as soon as we were inside josh's lips were on mine in a series of rough kisses.
i moaned into his mouth as i heard him kick the door shut.
he pulled off and i turned towards the stairs, running quickly up and over to my room.
josh closed the door and turned to me.
he grabbed me by the sides of my shirt and pulled me too him roughly.
i let out a moan as our chests collided.
he kissed me again, sloppily.
i felt him roll his hips against mine and i whimpered.
his hand lowered to my ass.
he grabbed it in his hand roughly.
i moaned and tilted my head back, disconnecting our lips.
he decided to attack my neck instead.
i swear the only thing holding me up was his arm around my waist.
he bit into my neck and i hissed at the pain, feeling a wave of pleasure.
did i like that?
oh my god, i did.
i fucking loved it.
"a-again, josh, please." i whined and i screamed as i felt his teeth dig into my flesh.
i felt my pants tighten.
i grabbed his shoulder as he sucked the soft skin of my neck.
holy hell, where has he been all my life?
i felt his lips detach from my neck and i whimpered softly.
his hand went back to my waist.
i looked in his eyes and saw the lust burning within him.
he growled and picked me up by my thighs.
i squeaked and threw my arms around his neck.
he walked over and dropped me onto my bed.
i moaned as he crawled on top of me, grinding our hips together.
his lips went back to my neck as his arm slid  to the small of my back, lifting me up slightly as he held himself up with his arm.
he rubbed our erections together, making me scream out in pleasure.
he looked up at me as he slowly  slid himself further down my body.

hey guys this is also going to be the end of the book when im done with this spam.

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