twenty - holy shit no way

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dudes where have i been
i apologize sincerely
i have been at my moms all summer
shes amazing dudes
it was my birthday too at some point
but holy shit no way
this book is at 25K WTF WHEN
here you go here's your chapter frens, have a nice day.

after me and josh did the nasty, (or not so nasty if you ask me, baby got back) he wouldn't stop going on about how much he needs to take me out on a date.

this man shall be the death of me.

josh also decided that we need to go to a fancy restaurant. he didn't tell me where we are going but i'm pretty sure it's not that fancy. if you hadn't noticed, we aren't the richest happy couple but it's okay. it's not like we need money for much, just pizza and stuff. whoever said money can't buy happiness though, is a selfish god damn liar and wanted that shit all for themselves.


"money can't buy happiness" what the hell do you call meet and greet tickets then???? seems to make me pretty fuckin happy.

not that i have that kind of money though, no no, i am not brendon urie. speaking of whom, brings me back to where i am now: fourth period. ah yes, howell high; just the place i want to be. the school is actually named after a kid's great grandpappy and that kid just happens to go here. his name is dan, and quite shockingly he's a decentish person. he's into pastel colors and has a pretty british accent. he can be a snobby, posh, rules the entire school type at times; but through the few chats we've had he's been nice.

theres actually a rumor about him and the punk lester boy from the office being in secret homo love with each other. he's teacher's aid and is usually just hanging out in there. or something like that. i dont know. whatever the rumor really is though, i don't give a shit.

right now, i'm too busy giving a shit about the forehead annoying me right now about pete's latest mixtape; something along the lines of "eating out your girlfriend"? honestly, i could care less.

i groan in annoyance as the brown eyed boy throws a tiny paper wad at me. "quit it! i'm trying to get my science on, urie." i whisper-yell at him before jotting down whatever's on the board. something about a leaf key.

"aw, cmon joseph; i'm bored!" he whisper-shouts back. i wince as the teacher turns around and lets out a harsh shush. i glare at him and roll my eyes as the bell rings. i shoot up from my seat and practically run out to the back of the school, where the nasty benches are. i was told to meet josh here for lunch hour so he can take me on his fancy date thing. soon, i see his car pull up and grin whilst jumping in the seat next to him and pecking his cheek.

aw, i love his little blush, oh my gosh, so cute, so pure, what a lil bean, why is he so cute, lovely, precious bea-

knock it off tyler, get a damn hold of yourself.

shaking my head, i lean forward and kiss his tiny smile plastered on his face. josh leans into the kiss a bit as it gets a little deeper. before we can fully face fuck though, we pull apart and josh laughs before driving off.

"so where are we going?" i as curiously and he smirks.

"you'll just have to wait and see, babe." i smile at the pet name and roll my eyes at him. i remember he said fancy, i wonder just how fancy we can get.

after about ten minutes of driving to the sounds of green day, we pull into a parking lot. i look to see where we are and boy, this is so fancy. wow. how does anyone have the time.

so here we are now, at olive garden.

fancy as poor as fuck fancy can get, am i right?

we walk in and place our seats, both ordering cokes and bread sticks.

the entire date, all we do is joke and shove bread sticks into our backpacks, trying not to laugh our asses off when the waiter comes back in two seconds to see all the breadsticks gone. but soon, the date comes to an end, and we have to go back to school.

oh yes, howell high. home of the bullies. we pull into the parking lot, smiles on our faces as we get out and catch lips before walking back inside as the fifth period bell rings. me and josh walk to his class, holding hands and chatting a bit before i go to walk off to my own class. the smile on my face couldn't get brighter, until i see him and he sees me.

so this is where i ask you, do you remember jake gregory? ah yes, the boy who beat me up and therefore got his ass beat by josh, as "vengeance" for bruising my jawline. well, he's back. i had heard that he had taken a few weeks off because of some accident or what not. whatever, it's all just special treatment cause baby over here fell off his high chair once getting beaten up by josh. ha, i laugh at that.

i soon realize the reality of this situation as he smirks at me, his boys behind him seeing what he sees. before i know it, my feet are plastered to the ground and the halls are empty. he stalks towards me and fear washes over. all i know is fear. being that i had to walk josh to his class then walk all the way to my class wasn't very quick, i should've seen this coming.

if only josh walked me, instead of me walking him.

if only me and josh didn't go out for that date.

if only me and josh just stayed at school.

if only we just stuck to cafeteria food with our friends.

if only we scheduled the date to be after school.

i wouldn't be sitting on the hallway floor with a beaten in stomach, and bruised arms and legs, and a bloody face. nasty words in his nasty voice running circles in my pounding head. my poor glass like skin has broken yet again, a feeling of nostalgia washing over. he had been gone so long i forgot this feeling and this pain i hadn't missed, and knowing jake i'll get used to it in a few weeks.

after a while i raise my broken and bloody body from the floor and make my way to the bathroom, checking myself out and looking at each bruise carefully and praying for them to be less painful than they look. i stare more at my ugly self before crying and leaving the school to go home. only for this to happen all over again in the next two days or probably tomorrow. it's the same thing, again and again.

beat, see, cry, leave, repeat.
beat, see, cry, leave, repeat.
beat, see, cry, leave, repeat.

now i just have to add avoid josh to the system.

oh, josh. another broken sob wracks my body as i stumble house thats not a home. another broken sob wracks my body as i fall onto my bed and my entire body floods with pain. another broken sob wracks my body as i think of josh's disgusted face when he sees me. another and another and another till i'm asleep and dreaming.

so good to have you back, jake.


*holding popcorn in my hands whilst you all scream and start fires in my home and murder my kids for this* ah yes, this is a good chapter. good job me. you go look at you.

i apologize for this unedited mess and sad mess and late mess. wowie i am horrible but hey, it's all good my dudes. peace will win, jake will lose.


all you can do is hope.

who knows, josh and ty might just end up getting beat up together everyday with no way out.

i'll just leave you at that though.


(also i believe someone should make that phan rumor a fanfic. bc that is the high quality shit i live for)

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