ten - this might be short yet painful

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okay im updating so much, jesus.
so im thinking of just updating whenever instead of only mondays cause like ill write it and anticipation will get to me when i write before monday so ill make them when i wanna. probs more that once a week but ill still do the monday thing yunno? yeah. you know.


i felt soft warm lips press themselves to mine.

my first thought initially was,

oh my god,

josh is kissing me,

im kissing back??

his lips are so soft what the fuck?

kiss back, you idiot!

i gently began to move my lips in rhythm with his. his lips felt plump and warm against my thin, cold ones.

i felt josh snake his hand up to the back of my neck, gently pulling me closer to him. i pressed my lips harder against his, feeling him push back against me.

his fingers began to tangle in my short hair as i lifted my own shaky hands to cup his jaw. i let put a sharp breath through my nose so i wouldn't suffocate; and he repeated, neither of us wanted to break the kiss.

the kiss went on and my hands began to slide from his jaw to his chest. i felt his chest then bundled his shirt in my hands; not to take it off, but to pull him closer.

he repeated my hands and pulled me closer to him by my baggy shirt. the kiss gradually sped up and became sloppier as we pulled each other and slid our lips over the other's.

josh broke the kiss but still kept his face centimeters from mine as we breathed hard and he put his hands under my thighs, pulling me into his lap. he held me there for a bit before letting out a breathy laugh.

"so, i guess you like me back?" he asked. i giggled and nodded before pressing my forehead to his, him leaning in and pecking my lips.

i stared into his honey brown eyes as i sat in his lap. i smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, then it hit me hard.

"holy shit," i said wide eyed. "i just kissed josh dun!" i said in shock and he laughed. i marveled at the sound.

"no, technically josh dun kissed you." he said and i rolled my eyes at him. i chuckled and we sat in silence just a bit.

josh slid his hands up to cup my cheek and i leaned into his touch. he looked at me in a daze-like state and grinned.

"y'know, ive kinda wanted this to happen since you kiked me and i saw what you looked like on instagram." he said and i snorted.

"stalker much? at least wait until the first date." i scoffed an he laughed at my stupidity. he poked my nose and i instantly got the feeling he was the cuddly-cutesy type.

"we havent even gone on a date!" he yelled in agony. i shrugged and booped his nose gently.

"maybe you should take me out on one then." i shrugged. he tilted his head to the side with a look of thought. he nodded, beaming at me.

"tatortotally." he said and i quirked an eyebrow at him. he laughed at my confusion and i legit looked at him like, what the fuck?

"like tator tots." he began to explain. "see tator totally. tator tot. totally. tator totally.
get it?" he said. i nodded, half true, i under stand the tator tot part but what did that have to do with totally? help???

"okay then. where would you wanna go for a date?" i asked. josh looked at me with a look of shock.


"are you kidding me?!" he said.

"um. no?" i raised an eye brow.

"tYleR! IM SUPPOSED TO TAKE YOU ON A DATE!" he yelled, "im the one who tops, duh." i laughed at his comment as my cheeks burned red.

"sure josh, where do you wanna take me, then?" i asked, still laughing lightly as he put on a thinking face.

"ummmmmmm... do you like pizza?"

"do you like breathing?"

"right, right... wanna go to pizza hut?"

"tator totally."


okay sorry but i was bored and i didnt get to roller skate yesterday so here.

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