seven - josh whats good

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i yawned as i rolled over in my bed, finally getting up. i lie on my back and stare at the ceiling, sighing and mentally preparing myself for today. just another day where i have to force myself to get up. another day where i have to force myself to go to school. another day i have to force myself to live.

rubbing my forehead to sooth my nerves, i look over at the clock on my nightstand to see that its only three am. i groaned and rolled back over to my side to try and go back to sleep; but as per usual, i end up with too many thoughts to sleep.

in this time of desperate need to sleep, one of the thoughts was what the fuck am i doing? my eyebrows knotted as i spent more time on this. what the fuck am i doing? im laying in bed with a head full of thoughts not doing shit. i opened my eyes and looked back at my clock,

3:42 AM

i shrugged, knowing id never get any sleep. my spine popped as i sat up in bed wide awake, pulling the covers off and swinging my legs over the edge of my bed.

see, i didn't actually know what i was about to do; i just wanted to do something. something so i wasn't doing nothing. y'know? 

i stood and yanked some skinny jeans on, then grabbed my phone, headphones, keys, and wallet. i still didn't know where to go but i honestly couldn't care less where i was as long as i was away from here and doing something.

i didn't to wake my dad, so i opened my window and climbed out the old route to the ground that i had discovered when i was nine or ten. it got me down safely, and i didn't have to jump from high places. my feet touched the ground and i sighed, walking around to the front. i looked at the street, no cars passing. well, who would be up at this time? i walked into the street, stopping in the middle of it; i looked left and right, deciding to go to the left. my feet moved in said direction and i sent a silent prayer that no cars would come.

i walked in the middle of the road for i don't know how long until i saw a ditch to my right at one point. it had a forest behind it and i thought, what the hell? as i turned on my heel and headed in that direction. it was still dark so i pulled put my phone and turned the flash on for light. i walked in and admired the trees, that tree smell that smells so nature like that you just wanna hug every tree and use this as your toothpaste y'know?

eventually as i wondered through the forest, i found a tree house. i know what you're thinking, who the fuck builds a tree house in the middle of the god damn forest? i am currently wondering the same thing.

i climb up the latter once i find it and look around. its pretty dark so i use my phone to see. i nod as i walk around a bit before i feel something touch my face. i scream and look up to see a string, probably the lights. i tug it and squint as i underestimated the power of this lightbulb. my eyes adjust and i take the time to make notes on the place.

it seems pretty sweet, not to mention theres a couch and actual furniture up here?? when i look across the couch there's a tv on a built in stand with a play station under it, plugged in to a portable outlet.

okay what the fuck, this place is my new home??? its so cool??? who the fuck did this??? they know me well????

i notice the glowing box next to it with a stick note on it.


i laugh as i recognize the name. and that its wifi. i quickly pull my phone out and set it up. wow, this is actually pretty sick and not shit wifi. hm.

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