Prompt 1 "Car Wreck -Niall & Louis

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Thank you (sender requested to not have name displayed)for the prompt! -H

"Where are you going?" Liam asks as me and Louis put our runners on to leave the hotel room

"To get a pint. Want to come?" I ask grappling my keys

"No I'll stay here with Harry" we nod and leave. We go out to my car and I drive while Louis sits in the passenger seat.

"Do you even know where a pub is around here?" Louis asks me

"No that's why I have this" I laugh pulling out my phone while trying to find on as I drive

Louis gasps "NIALL WATCH OUT!!" I drop my phone looking up seeing a car conning straight at us I swerve left trying to avoid it

I failed terribly though and the car hits my side at full force. I scream as the car rolls throwing me out my window into the middle of the road. I bash my head into the road and pass out.

"Sir, Sir can you here me?" I scream when I open my eyes as searing pain shoots through my spine

"Where does it hurt sir?" I calm down a little focusing on the EMT


"Alright push morphing and brace his neck" the EMT orders people around him. He starts trying to wrap something around my neck

"No my-y-" he interrupts me

"Sir I need you to stop moving or you could injure yourself further."

"My friend" I get out

"There's someone else with you?"

"In-n the car" I say

"There's another one in the car someone go get them now!" The EMT shouts and he clips the brace on me and the put me on a stretcher

"We're going to get your mate alright?" I nod as much as I can with the brace then pass out again

Meanwhile Paul was in his hotel watching the Telly.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I answer my cell

"Is this Paul Higgins?" An unfamiliar voice answers the phone

"Um yes who's this?" I ask confused

"I'm Dr. Pierce you were listened as the emergency contact for Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson" the female doctor says and my heart falls into my stomach

"Are they okay? What happened?" I jump off the couch

"They were in a car wreck. I'm sorry but I can't relay information through phone. Come down to Sunset Hospital and I'll update you"

"Okay I'll be there soon thank you" I hang up the phone and run across the hall

"Liam Harry!" I knock on the door

"What's wrong?" Harry answers the door

"Niall and Louis have been in a car wreck we need to go"

We rush out to the van and drive to hospital. We all run, literally run, into the hospital.

"We're looking for Louis Tomlinson & Niall Horan!" Liam says quickly to the nurse at the desk

"The car crash victims?" I swallow the lump in my throat nodding "follow me"

"Mr. Tomlinson is fine just a broken hand and some cuts he'll be discharged after his head CT. Mr. Horan is in the ICU I don't know much on his case so I'll send the doctor in" she explains after typing in a code that opens the doors to the intensive care unit

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