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"C'mon Niall!" Meg begs me standing next to the car

"No! I just want them off I'm so sick of being in pain" I argue

"I know babe. It sucks but your teeth will look so nice. You just need to give it time" I sigh hating to argue with my girlfriend I know she just wants the best for me

"Fine" I agree

We arrive and Meg kinda had to drag me out of the car...okay yeah she literally drug me out of the car. It's Harry's dental clinic that I've got to for maybe 3 years now cause Harry's a good friend of mine. I didn't mind coming at all until I got braces.

Harry decided 7 months ago that I need stupid braces so Louis, my good friend and orthodontist out braces on my teeth and it has been miserable! My jaw aches all the time and I get these wicked headaches cause of it.

"Hey Niall!" Liam another really good friend of mine greets us as we walk in. He's a dental assistant here.

"Hey" I hug him

"Hey Meg" he hugs her next to me cause her and the lads are close also

"Alright let's get ya checked in" he goes behind the computer desk and starts typing

"Hey Niall" I turn my head to see Harry with his dark blue scrubs that match Liam's

"Hey" we hug and he hugs Meg also

"You ready? Think we'll get through this in one piece?" He jokes

Yeah I guess I'm not the best at the dentist. Scratch that. It's not the dentist it's the orthodontist! I don't care that he's my best mate that doesn't make it hurt any less!

I guess last time I sort of threw a strop of sorts telling Louis to stop or ah yeah story for later. Anyway they sedated me, it was rough.

"Can't make any promises" I shrug and he chuckles. We go out back and he and Liam leads us to an office where Louis is setting up a tray tools.

I nervously pull at my jumper sleeves.

"Hello mate" I greet Louis

He looks up "Hey how are ya?"

"Alright" I answer simply

"Have a seat Niall" Harry says sitting down on the wheeled chair next to the dentist chair

I turn to Meg "You're staying right?"

"Of course" she smiles

I nod and sit down in the chair. Leaning my head into the rest. Meg sits at my feel keeping her hand on my shin so I know she's there. Harry and Liam sit at my sides near my head putting gloves and masks on while Louis sits in a chair in the back of the room at my feet

"Alright, Niall I'm going to clean your teeth then Louis is going to tighten your braces" Harry tells me

"Kay" I nod as he adjusts the light above me so it's angled down at me. I have a white knuckle grip on the arms or of the chair as he moves it down

"Okay Nialler open up" Harry tells me picking up some tools and Liam follows

I open my mouth and look at my two best mates leaned over me placing tools in my mouth scratching, scraping and brushing my teeth

"Well your teeth look good Niall!" Harry tells me pulling the mask off his face

"Louis" he says and Louis walks over putting gloves and a mask on also

I start to get more nervous and panicky. "Alright" Louis takes Harry's place next to me

"Can you just take them off Louis please? I'm so sick of being in pain from them" I beg him

He sighs "I'm sorry Niall but I can't. I know it hurts but it'll be so worth it when they come off!" He tries to convince me

"And when will that be?" I ask

"Couple more months is all. Now, let's just get this over with yeah?" I sigh

"Fine" I grumble griping the armrests just wanting this done

After a few shouts of pain he has changed me wires and I finally am done!

"Okay Niall that's it! You did really well! Did Meg drug you before you came?" Liam asks and we laugh

"Not sure! She's always ragging me about going to the dentist yet in the years were been dating you've never gone once!" I say standing up from the chair

"I don't need to I have great teeth" she shrugs

"Everyone has to go to the dentist Meg weather or not you have good teeth" Harry tells her

"When was the last time you went?" I ask her

She shrugs "couple year's maybe"

"Couple years! C'mon meg I'll give ya a free cleaning right now" Harry offers

"No it's alright-"

"Hey you're always telling me it's no big deal it's your turn now" I say smiling at her

"Fine but only if the next appointment you have you don't give me any trouble at all no complaining"

"Fine!" I agree and she nods and lays in the chair

I notice her death grip on the armrests "ha you don't like the dentist either!" I say

"What? I nev-"

"Your knuckles are white" I point out interrupting her

"Fine I don't particularly enjoy the dentist but if it means you'll stop complaining I'll do it" we all laugh

"Whatever" I roll my eyes sitting where she was during my cleaning

"Okay, ready meg?" Harry puts on his mask

"Yep" he starts cleaning her teeth the same way he did mine and she keeps her eyes closed the whole time but does it

"And you're done!" Harry says and she jumps out of the chair and I chuckle

We walk out of the exam room all together.

"Thanks lads" I tell them

"Anytime see ya later Niall see ya Meg" they say and we walk out

I take her hand in mine and walk to the car

"You know I hate you" she says jokingly

"Hey at least you can hate me with clean teeth" I smile and we head home

-By: 1D_LoverXO4

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