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Thank you Mamasparkles for this prompt.

I woke up to someone yelling my name and soon recognized it to be my boyfriend Niall's saying that we had to be ready for our dental check. Yes you read that right Niall Horan is my boyfriend and is amazing, but the tour management is making us all get dental checkups and since I am going on tour with them I have to too. What the fans don't know is that Liam is a dentist and that Louis is an orthodontist for back up careers. So my appointment is with Liam but I am kind of scared because one of my front teeth are bothering. Anyway I go and get ready I put on my favorite pair of Jeans and a long sleeve since it is likely to be freezing since it is mid-November. I meet Niall in the kitchen and eat some eggs for breakfast then go and brush and floss my teeth before telling Niall that I was ready to go. We go out to his white Titan and head off to Liam and Louis's office. Once we get there we go in and Liam is already waiting on us and says "ready to go back? Harry is already done and just left." With that we went back he said/n please have a seat on the chair and I can start." I complied and he came over and put the light on my mouth then asked me to open which I did he started to tap each tooth and when he tapped the tooth that had been bothering me I winced in pain. He said "y/n did that hurt?" I just nodded my head and he said that was has a small cavity in it and that it needed to be filled. I gave Niall a look of pure terror and he held my hand and said it wouldn't hurt and to just relax I'll be here the whole time just hold my hand. I did as I was asked and when Liam asked me to open again I did he said he was just going to numb my mouth so it wouldn't hurt I soon felt a small pinch in my mouth and slight pressure and it was over he said it should take effect in a minute or so and it did he said " y/n can you feel your tooth I just shook my head no and he began after drilling out the cavity he filled it and was done. Liam said that I did a good job and that it was Niall's turn with Louis. We walked over to Louis's office and Niall sat in the chair and Louis started checking his teeth to make sure Niall's teeth hadn't moved since his braces had come off they hadn't luckily and we were able to go home where we cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie for the rest of the night.

One Direction Medical PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now