Request for @Josimax

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I'm Josie Payne. I have lived with my brother Liam Payne and all of his band mates since I was 15 and had the choice to either move with my parents to the U.S. or stay here in London with my brother. I chose to stay here with my brother to finish out school with all of my friends. Liam and all of the boys were in the famous band One Direction. They now own their own clinic and are doctors at it they all became doctors as a backup career in case something happened to the band. The reason this matters is because I have not been feeling very well and since we have been on tour this summer and I got to join them as my 18th birthday present, I have been keeping it to myself. That is until we got home late last night. I went directly to bed as well as the rest of the guys except I cuddled into Liam. I woke up as I have the past few days with a headache except this time it was slightly worse. Liam was in the kitchen making breakfast, noticing my presence he greets me with "morning sis I made your favorite" and places my plate of hash browns and eggs down in front of me. I play with my food not exactly hungry because of my headache and he notices and asks me if I'm feeling alright. I just nod and clear my plate in the waste bin then head up to my en-suite bathroom for a bath hopping that it might make me feel a little bit better.I hop out of the warm bath and I can feel the heat radiating off of myself and know that I have a fever. I dress myself in some black yoga pants and a fitted t-shirt with a pink monogramed sweatshirt since I am freezing cold. Liam knocks on my door as I am finished getting dressed and I open the door and let him in, as soon as he sees my pale shivering figure he asks me "are you feeling alright?"I just nod carefully as not to bother my already pounding head and Liam lets out a loud sigh and says"I know that you haven't been feeling well, are you going to tell me what's bothering you or am I going to have to get the other boys and do a full exam at the clinic" I just nodded and told him how I have been feeling and he then responds with "I think the boys and I should take you to the clinic and take a look" I just shook my head no tears brimming in my eyes because of my fear and let my extreme mixed emotions take over. Liam notices and comes over and wraps his arm around me in a comforting hug. He then picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car. Once we arrive at the clinic he again carries me into an exam room, Niall opens my file while Harry starts to take my vitals, as Harry is taking my blood pressure Louis sticks the thermometer into my ear and then shows the reading to Zayn who has an otoscope in hand ready to look into my eyes nose ears and throat. Once they have done a complete exam Liam explains to me that I have the flu and need to have an injection, which I of course object to but Liam gives me his " I'm not kidding you are going to do this whether you want to or not" look and Louis leaves to prepare the injection and I climb into Liam's arms and cuddle into him waiting on the inevitable to happen. Louis returns with the injection and Liam grips my arm firmly, yet gently and rolls my sleeve up. I then feel the cool antiseptic on my arm and immediately tense up, I hear Zayn sigh and say " if you tense it'll hurt more I then relax my arm and as soon as I relax it I feel the needle pierce my skin and whimper. After we return home Liam lays my sleeping figure into my cozy bed and drift off into a peaceful sleep. The rest of the week was filled with the boys taking care of me and movie days. I love them all even though they can be a pain in the behind.

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