Car Crash

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Thank you for your prompt mh031897

I wake up to a pounding in my head and a feeling of total loss of control. I look up to someone talking and the tall blonde man asks me "are you okay?" I respond with a "what happened" he says "you were in a car accident and I am one of your paramedics you can call me Niall and this is Liam your other parametric " he says as he points to a tall brown haired man I now see standing next to him the two pick me up and place me on a backboard and I am taken into an ambulance Niall tries to place an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth but I just push his hand away from me that's when Liam steps in and says "it's only oxygen it will help you breathe" I then just shake my head no and am met with dizziness and try and blink it away. Niall notices this and asks " what's wrong" I just say " dizzy" and he then places the oxygen mask to my face and holds it there against my will Liam asks me my name and I can't seem to remember and give him a look of total confusion and fear then say " I don't remember " with tears brimming. He grabs my hand and rubs circles into the back of it and says " that's okay you just have a concussion it's not that huge of a deal don't worry about that now, I'm going to put am IV in your hand now so we can give you some fluid and pain medication " I immediately yank my hand away from him and he gives me a hurt look. He says " l won't hurt you please let us help you " I just shake my head no and start crying in confusion and fear. Niall gently but firmly grabs my hand and says "you will feel so much better once it's over with" giving me a look of total sympathy. I burry my head into him and cry then I hear Liam say done and I give him a confused look and he just says "you did amazing how old are you" I reply back with an "18" and give him a small smile. The ambulance comes to a stop and Niall and Liam help the doctors pull me out of the ambulance and push me to a trauma room then I am lifted onto a more sturdy bed Niall and Liam leave the room to talk with the doctors and then return and say "you are doing amazing we will see you later" then leave me with the two doctors who say their names are Harry and Louis. I try to sit up and am immediately but gently pushed back down by Louis as he says " just relax you seem to have a pretty large cut on your stomach just let Harry and I take a look and clean it then we will decide whether it needs stitches or not okay?" I do as I'm told and try and relax but it doesn't seem to be working then Louis speaks up again and says " you don't need stitches but still needs to be cleaned and bandaged up" Harry then says " this might sting a little" then starts to clean my cut. I wince at the feeling of stinging of my stomach and Louis just whispered sweet little nothings I my ear to try and calm me down and it works. After Harry is finally done they let me sit up, Louis then asks me to look ahead to Harry as he shines a light in my eyes and it bothers me so I close my eyes. Louis whispers something to Harry then leaves as Harry walks closer to me and asks me how I'm feeling I just shake my head no not trusting my words as tears brim my eyes once again. Louis then returns with two syringes and I start to get nervous again he says " hey hey hey don't be scared it's just going to go in the IV and is going to make you feel so much better" I just nodded and relaxed as much as I could he put them in and pushed the plunger down and I felt the pain slowly ebb away Harry then says "better?" I again shake my head and say "when can I go home?" They say "we will keep you for observation for a day or two then you will be allowed out." I then smile and say "thank you" they say "no problem it's our job."

Niall, Liam, Harry, and Louis looked after me after the first day I was able to remember my name which is Marissa and I am 18. After the few days I was in hospital and we all became really close, I was not left alone during my stay and when I was allowed home. We stayed in contact with each other.

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