Harry- Your his Little Sister (Sick)

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Thank You @Prettyanpink for your prompt

I have an amazing older brother and we have the next few days to do things together while he is on break from tour. I have lived with the boys since our parents were in a crash when I was 2 I am 5 now and live with the boys and they are all considered my brothers. I woke up this morning and my ears were killing me I didn't want Harry or the others to know because they are all doctors and I hate doctors they scare me and I don't want them to take me to their clinic because it is a horrible place. I went down stairs and was met with my big brother Harry making breakfast. He said "Are you ready for an amazing day with your amazing big brother?" I laughed and said yep as he handed me my breakfast and sat down to eat with me. I just played with my food not really hungry and only ate about half of the food and then scrapped my plate and sat it in the sink. Harry asked me if I was okay but I just acted like I didn't hear him. We went and did all of the things that I love that day, but Harry knew something was up the truth is that I don't care anymore and felt horrible. Once we got home from the park I said I was tired and going to go to sleep and walked up to my room and laid on my bed and soon sleep took over and I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to Harry shaking me and telling me that it was time to get up and get ready for the day all I felt like doing was crying and holding my stomach because it hurt so bad. Harry started to leave but then noticed that I was crying and said "Y/N what hurts does your tummy hurt?" I just shook my head not trusting me voice he asked " Anything else?" knowing that I would try and hide it from them and I just pointed at my ears and he nodded his head and said " Why didn't you tell me that you were feeling poorly?" I'm going to get the boys and we are going to the clinic and are going to see why you feel so poorly I shook my head no and he said "yes we are and you have to let us see what's going on okay?" I just let him go knowing that I wasn't getting out of this. Minutes later he returned and helped me put some sweats and a T-shirt on and carried me to the car soon all of the boys were in as well and we left. It was a short car ride but I still fell asleep on the way there. I woke up in someone's arms and then I realized where we were and started crying, when he noticed that I was crying he started to try and calm me down by singing and it worked he soon sat me on Harry's lap and I cuddled into his chest. "Y/N we have to know what hurts you will please tell us." Liam said I just started crying again and they started singing and I soon calmed down and let Liam start the exam he started be listening to my heart and breathing then moved on to looking at my eyes throat and tried to look in my ears, but I moved my head. "Y/N I need to see if I can make it better please let me look?" I let him when he started to look it hurt so I grabbed Harry's hand and he said" your doing so good princesses it will be over soon I promise" Liam whispered something to Harry and then looked in my other ear and said he was almost done, but he needed me to lay down for him to check my tummy. I shook my head no and said it hurts he said " please I can't make you feel better if I don't know what is making you feel icky I just laid down then he said to tell him where it hurt when he pressed on it he pressed on the middle of my tummy and I started crying he just said that he knew how to make it go away now and that he would be back in a little bit then left the room after whispering something to Harry. Harry said that I could sleep now for a little bit and cuddled me until I fell asleep. I woke up to hear Harry talking to someone then soon realized it to be Louis this time Harry said that Louis was going to help me get better and that I have to be brave for him I asked why and he said that I need a shot by this time I was too tired to fight so I just let him give me the shot he said I did very good and that we could go home and watch movies for the rest of the day.

At Home

Harry asked me "what movie?" Cinderella!!

I fell asleep half way through the movie and felt better two days later.

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