Meeting the Boys

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New Doors §

With the anticipation of the event of actually meeting the band, I would discover unforeseen bonds formed with the least likely people. It was the evening after preparing for a concert and one of the band members the infamous 'Harry'; (my secret crush #2) who I promptly recognized his silhouette {for not too many others have, that skinny jean and bungled curly hair physique; especially being in this vicinity} came into the darkened under stage area where we were working. He tapped on the invisible door in the open entryway and proceeded to march into the room, where my supervisor hurriedly greeted him. While he courteously shakes my hand, I formally state my name to him, though during attempting to introduce himself to me; (as if he needed to) he stammered mid sentence as he spoke his name and then slightly began to cough.

"Nice to meet you um ... HA?", I jokingly question him while trying to make light of his mishap.

He laughed as he regained his voice, and stated sarcastically back to me, "It was nice to meet you too...Sta!"

Thus began the everlasting chronicles of the nicknames; as our group would come to very rarely, (if ever) use our formal names amongst each other after that. Other than the pleasant rapport HA and I established, our encounter was so informal as if I had known him, and aside from his uniquely striking British accent and being my favorite vocalist; he appeared to be just a regular guy after all. Though on the contrary; it may sound fanatical, but that night I didn't wash that hand, instead I crashed from being exhausted, otherwise I might have obsessed over it more. The next day I woke up feeling as if I had just gotten proposed to, I suddenly had an energy to me that awakened my cheerfulness and I felt as if I was on cloud nine, which carried with me throughout the day allowing the workload to seem lighter and more justified. The other newer interns and I chortled with each other as we walked the long halls of the arena excited to be meeting the guys after all this time. When we arrived backstage, we are greeted by HA and the other four band members lurking casually among other staff along with security and some backstage media members. My #1 crush Zayne (whom I've always referred to as Z), of course, caught my eye and I instantaneously had those fluttering butterfly notions throughout my body. I don't recall shaking his hand or what he said; or even what I said for that matter, I just remember the way I felt as I listened to his compelling British accent while peering into his mesmerizing eyes. Aside from being star-struck, I felt something I hadn't felt in a very long time; perhaps 'desire' might best describe the emotions meeting him unlocked within me. The encounter could be portrayed as if in a movie where everyone else disappears; and so for now (even though talented) for me, the meeting of the other members became irrelevant. I guess I must have appeared to look nervous as I shook his hand because Z kept it light and smirked as he ended the greeting and warily moved back away from me. HA then came and wrapped his arms around my backside and dotingly embraced me as if he and I had been lifelong acquaintances, saying something along the lines of a friendly, "How's my new friend?", while resting his arm on my shoulder.
I looked at another band member Lou (Louis) with (apparently) a look of a surprise because he came to my rescue placing his hand on my other shoulder and with a smile receptively assured me "I was safe".
HA, along with the other band members then went busily about their business doing other things in preparation for the night's performance, but my conversation with Lou was surprisingly long-lasting and pleasant. Lou eventually invited my crew and I to the band's after party; although knowing I wouldn't be able to attend, I agreeably accepted the request.

It's funny and unexpected, but it was him (Lou) I felt the most connection with that night. Later that night on stage the guys had a great performance and it really would have been a great night to celebrate. Our crew was all hyped as they were going to the after party, but sadly I didn't make it to that event because of my commitment to video chat with my main priority LA. Instead, my night was spent in the comforts of a goose down hotel bed with the refreshing reverberation of complete silence.

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