15: Supersized Themes /Faster Forward

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Supersized Themes §

New York, Wednesday

It's surprisingly funny how fast the media is to make rumors spread amongst those who rely on it. Since only this afternoon, we had learned of rumors circulating that I and Z were back together and had shamelessly exploited our new rendezvous in public, treacherously, methodically, poisoning the heart of the innocent bystander of young Mr. Styles. Plastering our luncheon photographs on every media page on how we are rubbing it in HA's face. HA, who appears to be feeling his old self again, laughed with us over it. HA has every reason to trust what Z and I have, and he would gladly share or even give away if need be me to Z anyway, for Z will always be the exception when it comes to that.

The limo ride over was filled with laughter; over the media rumors, celebrating a hurdle with HA, and Z landing his new project. Life is certainly great! Despite that outside of this particular limo; plays the undermining possibility of death threats to myself and my loved ones, due to the mere probability that I broke the heart of their idol. As we approach the drop off we can hear the crowd's cheers, hear the music, and see the media, paps, and fans waiting to swarm the limos. The flashing of the flashbulbs and the cluttering of the camera shutters is something you can tolerate temporally, but never quite grow to like. I can feel my blood pressure rising as we get closer now; as I have each boy's hand in the palm of my own and my palms are sweating. Z notices it while HA is too busy too, so Z suggests at the last minute I wear gloves (for my own comfort). Z, April and I frantically try to get them on before we make our entrance out onto the red carpet. John briskly opens the door, and as the loud noise floods us, we all take a deep breath in as if we have been trained to do so. Z steps out of the limo with smile's, situates his attire while he waves, turns around, and like a prince reaches inside for my hand. I get out with my eyes locked on him, and even though I thought I heard a "Boo", I can't help but smile at Z's gorgeous face. I then, (while still holding Z's hand) turn and using my other hand, reach for HA's hand to escort him with his beautiful smile from the limo. The crowd loudly cheers with delight and the three of us laugh with each other, all the while making eye contact until I have to break it to find my dress footing. HA reaches for April to help her out and our security team then escorts us four amongst the flashing and noisy clatter. HA doesn't release my hand...ever, and Z reaches for April to escort her while HA locks me under his arm for the evening. The only time he let go was to do individual photo op's; for he made it known I was there with him and not Z. HA kept me in his sight if I wasn't physically touching him at all times. My gloves eventually came off, and HA made it a point to play with my ring he gave me constantly as if to draw more attention to it. I could tell by the way he grabbed both my hands, scooted his chair closer to me, and had his arm around my shoulder during the whole event (as if to claim me) that he was his loving adorable self again. The event was glamorous with photos of memories to treasure with these people I have come to hold so dear. One clip that was popularized was the one that squashed all those rumors prior to the event immediately that night. It was the clip of HA and I gazing into each other's eyes, and then him leaning in to kiss me slowly, then mouthing, "I adore you", in which I always try to reply back to. I have to admit it's very touching to watch it, for I can see the love we have for each other, it's unmistakable. I've said it before though I haven't felt it so much lately when we are together like this, it's as if we are alone, and it's just the two of us, that's how lost into each other we can be. When I did notice others that evening at the event; Z and April looked as if they were having a great time talking it up to everyone while myself and HA would 'accidentally' ignore. Z made sure we all had plenty of champagne the whole night (as I never once had an empty glass), and sure enough; as my protector, he too rarely left my side either. Both the guys made me feel like the luckiest girl on the planet, which I will always claim to be. HA had my hand at all times and Z had one hand close to my waist mostly... even April noticed it; as she would give me a smirk and cheers her glass with me often in recognition to it.

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