'Sharing Music'

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As time has progressed HA and I have found ourselves to be in a place of the unexpected, though we have always had this significant attraction between us, we are amazed by the level of intensity of passion and enduring friendship we have acquired with each other after all the time we have invested and our bond that just keeps on getting stronger. 

It was an evening of one of HA's family celebrations I attend where I am surprised to find it was an event that will shape my future dramatically. HA announces aloud that he has fulfilled his earlier promise preparing the proper documents legalizing my last name to his; as he now wants to claim me without the act of marriage. He states he is offering me, (with his family's blessing) his last name as a symbolic gesture showing he declares me as a significance, and that he plans to carry me for the rest of his life. The name change idea comes as no surprise to me being that HA has pressed the issue of me taking his last name many times though I always took it lightly as if he would never act upon it, feeling he wasn't that serious about it. The family is now all gathered around as if this is a ceremonial ritual that we all must partake in. The official documents are laid out with layered carbon paper while HA's stepfather (Mr.R ) looks over them and confirms that they are legitimate legal documents, and that's all that's required now are signatures from myself and the judge they have awaiting my signature. Mr. R clinks his glass drawing attention as he has an announcement he'd like to make:

"We have known Ms. Stassi for several years now and I think I can speak for many of us when I say we share the infatuation that Harry has for her,well, maybe not that intensified...but-," he says, laughing, while giving a look to HA, -"Outside of her beauty, she has individually touched our hearts with her good nature and the sincerity she exudes. We feel privileged to have her in our lives and to have such close bonds with her, and though she isn't officially part of our family she is considered by us to be. Therefore, it would give be a great honor if she would take HA's last name as a symbolic gesture that she will always remain a part of our lives even without the sanctification of marriage. Though-"

"All Right, there-(HA interrupts chuckling) we know, we know... Sta has been the one person who gets me; even at my lowest, most vulnerable points and she still treats me with dignity and respect, and more importantly she doesn't value me for any sort of status. She knows and accepts me for the person I am, and though we aren't getting married; I consider her to be my wife from another life!"

Laughter fills the room as HA and I smile at each and lift our glasses to cheers to each other. Everyone joins us and now raises their glasses; cheers to the kind words that have been given in my honor and I can't help but feel humbled though privileged to have such adoration from people who have such great significance in my life.

"Thank you Mr.R- thanks to you all for placing me in such high esteem amongst the lot of you great people, for I love all of you, and I'm blessed to share my life with you." I toast.

The ambiance of the quaint party consisting of just a select few close relatives is romantic as there are lit fireplaces and dim lights with candles in every room possible. With the wine and mood of all these people whom I have grown to love showing me their love and dedication to me for merely my being a part of their lives; and to go as far as allow me to take their name; tells me they truly have a deeper connection with me than I could have ever dreamed of. HA, who wouldn't ever leave my side at such an inmate event such as this, is catering to my every need filling my wine as needed and gently stroking me at any given opportunity. He has a softness to him tonight, he peers into my eyes when I talk as if he is hanging on my every word and leans in observantly every time I direct my conversation towards him, acting as if I am made of porcelain and I might break if even spoken to in a loud manner.

HA's hand rests on the mantle as we stand close, peering into each other's eyes in silence listening to the fire pop. Having developed the level of feelings I have as I take in his gaze, I swear I am (metaphorically) pulled into the realms of his very soul. 'Could he be my soul mate?', I ask myself as I let myself fall deeper into his mesmerizing so-called spellbinding eyes finding myself feeling a sense of everything being right. 

Right- just the exact way it should be. Perhaps my daydreaming may have been somewhat alcohol induced but I can't help but feel an overwhelming calm and state of peace when I'm with him and find there would be no good reason to deny him of this request as it would be such an honor to receive it. Nearing the end of the evening that had been filled with wonderful encounters amongst his family regimen; I reach the decision that I will indeed wear their name they are allowing to be bestowed upon me with great respect. After making the announcement public and receiving congratulations, HA then tells me he has anticipated giving me a gift, regardless of the outcome of me taking his last name or not. A gift that remains something of a personal talisman, worn close to the skin, though it's not a marriage symbolism, it represents a immortalize love and acts as a reminder of cherished moments in a couple's life together. It means that we pledge ourselves to each other. HA hands me the gift box that contained a symbolic heart-shaped pink diamond ring, takes the ring without so much a word from me and places it upon my finger.

He tells me, "I searched many places, in fact all over for a ring that was suitable, until this one practically called me to it to make it yours Sta."

As the party winds down momentarily, (Nana) HA's Grandmother who has flown from England to be here, smiles as she gazes into the ring while clutching my fingers hard. As if she had heard my thoughts earlier, she tells me, "It was made for you Stassi, you know, just like you and HA, it's...right."

I thank her as her opinion means so much to me, for I see so much of my own grandmother in her, and she too shows me that unconditional love as my own showed to me for so much of my life.

"I'm surprised no one has mentioned anything before, but the two of you often sway with each other as you did just there earlier; as if there is an unheard music that only the two of you share... your 'sharing music' !"

"Um, well...wow...I guess I have never noticed that-"I stammer.

"You wouldn't notice- now would you?" she implies.

Before I can respond HA approaches us and takes a picture of Nana and me on his phone. We thank him as he shows us the photo and he comments that we are 'two of his favorite girls' while leaning in to give us each kiss's. Mr. R and MB help gather everyone to make the 'official' announcement that I'm going to formally sign the documents. Following another long-winded speech from Mr. R, I glanced one last time at HA before signing the paper, who is staring at me and gives me a wink. Chuckling, I sign the papers and they're notarized by a mobile notary attending the party for the judge to process. I approach HA, grabbing his jaw-line, and admire my ring the first of many times, against his skin; before he pulls me closer and we display just how infatuated we really are. Everyone cheers their champagne glasses and let loose dancing to music in celebration into the wee morning hours, only this time, the music is heard by us all.

Copyright © 2015 by Stacy H || Stacy__H 

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