Chapter 5 - The Meeting of a Potter

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I hopped onto the train with Crabbe and Goyle behind.

I walked smartly down the rows of carriages, a girl with exceedingly long brown hair, with wondrous big eyes and long lashes, high cheek bones and dark red lips stumbled clumsily onto the floor and fell as she banged into me, she lay on top of me as her eyes glanced down and examined me from head to toe, she was extraordinarily beautiful and as Crabbe and Goyle hauled her up and pinned her against the wall, I couldn't help but notice her structure was a tall frame , mainly long legs and pale skin. Just as she began kicking, Goyle and Crabbe tightened their grips around her wrists, she winced in pain, I noticed the skin around where they were holding her grow snow white, bone white.

She was a pitiful creature, I say creature as she held her head high in a cat-like presence. Her eyes narrowed, and in doing so, her hair slowly changed colour, like a waterfall, from the roots to the ends, her hair turned sunset orange and became noticeably shorter accordingly, her eyes closed and reopened to show a change in colour too, instead of the watery blue they had once been, they were now hazel brown.

"Ah, well, there's always one..." sneering as the words escaped my mouth. I was startled by an answer.

"Sorry... I guess I wasn't looking where I was going"She seemed to be struggling to get out of the situation, anxious to get somewhere.

"What's with the hair?" I smirked, as she continued to try and fight her way out of Goyle and Crabbe's arms.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing... I'm metamorphic, you know, I change how I look through choice-" So she was a smart-mouthed, gorgeous girl. Well, two could play at this game, right?

"It was a rhetorical question." I interrupted her, we weren't at Hogwarts yet, I wasn't looking for lessons in a subject I didn't care about. I looked at Crabbe and Goyle, signalling for them to put eh girl down, although they seemed to be enjoying what they were doing, never the less, they dropped her down on the floor with an overly dramatic thud.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy"

"Well, Malfoy, I'm Holly Potter. Now if you excuse me, I must go and find Neville, you see I promised him I'd sit with him."

She began to walk away, I wasn't letting her go this easily. Not a Potter anyway. I put my arm in front of her to stop her from leaving, as I did so, she stopped in her tracks and sighed impatiently. I had never come a cross someone who didn't appreciate being in a Malfoy's presence.

"A Potter, eh? Where's the scar then?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." She replied quickly, a little too quickly. There and then , I knew she was lying. She moved her hand to place some of her mid-length hair, which was still ginger in front of her ear. It wouldn't take a detective to find out where the scar was hidden.

"Don't lie. Either answer truthfully or not at all." I murmured  quietly, in a menacing whisper in her ear as I bent forward and removed my wand from it's pocket. She gasped. Did she think I was going to use it on her? Stupid girl, why would I do that if teachers were watching. I simply brushed back the small pice of hair to reveal a scar similar to that of her twin's.

"Thought so." I laughed inwardly, but grunted triumphantly.

"Happy?" she rudely snapped back. This Potter girl was a feisty thing, not to mention sneaky and sly, or at least thats how she came across.

"Not quite, mind if you come and sit in my carriage?"

"As a matter of fact I do, now I really must be going, Neville will be wondering where I-"

"It was a rhetorical question." What didn't she understand about sarcasm and questions put together? In fact, don't answer that, though I think she would if she was listening.

She sighed, obviously treating me like a waste of her time.

"Fine." Finally, a chance to make sure she's mine, now I just need her brother to side with me too...

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