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Dedicated to sophielf 
One of the true Griffindors at heart.


I couldn't believe what Holly just admitted to; she basically (openly) told me she loved me, and that it was okay to stop denying it.

"Holly, wait! It doesn't have to be like this!"

"Yes it does, Draco. I can't put you in any more danger. If you just let me distance myself from you and that everything you were talking about will go back to the way it way. To the way it should have always been."

"I-We- I don't want that! Holly, part of the plan wasn't to fall in love with you, and I don't want you getting hurt. But you see, plans don't always work out like they're supposed to, I guess. But yes, father will be angry. Yes, the Dark Lord will care! But just put your faith in someone other that petty blood-traitors and cocky mudbloods and maybe-"

"Never use those words in front of me, Draco Lucius Malfoy." She glared.

"If you can't even kiss me, you don't earn that right."

"Oh really..." She rolled her eyes and sighed like she was fed up playing with a toddler. But she was still in deep thought.


"Well then," She paused, humming to herself as she weighed out her best options. "Some plans don't always work out, I guess. Or is that all just words to you?"

"No! It's just-"

But I was interrupted by something magical that happened in a single, awkward, but most of all and abrupt moment.

She grabbed my waist and hauled me closer as she pressed the line of her lips against mine and moved her hand up my body so as she neared my shoulders. I unexpectedly tried to pull away, completely overwhelmed by her overpowering manner. Somehow, my urges were too strong, so I let the kiss envelop me.

Her hands reached my neck and began to play with my messy baby locks. She swirled her finger, wrapping the blonde hairs around it. I reached out for her hair as I stroked it slowly. She let go for air as she continued for her hands to reach my cheeks. Her hands were cold atop my now-rosy cheeks. She glanced down at my lips and then there was a sudden push as we broke apart; her hands still in the position they were before she moved away.

I hadn't wanted a kiss like that. I wanted a REAL one, not a forced kiss to fulfil a bribe. Sadly my thoughts were cut short by a familiar voice.


"No." I whispered.

I grabbed her hand and began to kiss her neck gently, nearing her plump and naturally inviting lips. She took a quick breath of air like a scuba diver preparing to dive into fresh water.

I peered into her eyes as I was internally flooded by a true passionate kiss. Her eyes had changed from their classic glassy blue to a deep purple with hints of white and red. Sure, they weren't normal, but they were perfect.

When people tell you that the kiss of life gives someone air, I beg to differ. This. This was breath-taking.

Once again I was overtaken by the longing of our time together. I leaned in and Holly leapt subconsciously onto my lap as she mustered the strength to wrap her lank arms around my neck. I pulled her closer as her arms tightened securely around me, as if she never wanted to let go. As if she never wanted this to end.

This kiss was different from the last; this kiss seemed to last forever. I just couldn't find it in me to let go. I bit at her bottom lip, begging for entrance.

Instead, the kiss was over as soon as it had come. Holly simply untangled her arms from my neck, looked me in the eyes (they were filled with tears) and, without a word, walked away, with her hand clutching her ear.

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