Chapter 6 - The First Night

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I was used to not seeing my parents, or as I now knew, my foster parents. For they were always at work or out doing who knows what, well that's just the thing, no one knows where they go or when they got back, but I learn to deal with it, even if it is for months at a time. But I was kind of angry they lied to me and told me they were Potters, when really, according to Hermione, they were Kranthens. I snap t have to grow up being fed lies, did I. I began to doubt my patents and what they taught me. They taught me the Lord knew what was best. And that to survive his wrath was a great thing. It meant power. It meant glory. But what they didn't tell me was, they meant me.

Anyway, Hermione turned out to be in my dorm along with Lavender Brown, whom, in my opinion, is a stupid girl who seems to fall head over heals for Ron, she tells us how we will be invited to their wedding - and she's 12!

So I am quite pleased with my dorm etc.. But that night, after the candles were blown out, my eyes flittered open after 5 long minutes or so. I could hear a whisper coming from outside the door. I put my slippers on and I walked out the door, dazed by the sudden burst of light. I followed the whisper, desperate to catch who's voice it was, but I never could. I reached the 3rd floor. There stood a door directly in front of me, I reached for the handle, just then, I heard a scream and I woke up.
Lavender Brown had her hand over her mouth and was pointing at me... Well my hair.

"Wh-WH-Why is y-y-your hair g-g-g-g-glowing," she gulped heavily, holding down another scream "green?

Hermione answered before I had even opened my mouth "Jees, Lavender, it's obviously a mix of being metamorphic and having survived, well... you know..."

Lavender nodded, obviously hoping Hermione was right, as was I.

I felt sick, I rushed to the toilet and threw u what had been great tasting food at the time... I needed answers, but who should I ask the questions to?
The answer was simple, Dumbledore. I told Professor McGonnagall about what had happened and she sent me straight to the head master
"He likes Chocolate Frogs, Holly." McGonagall was off her nutter, why would I care about what type of sweets he liked?
As I jogged down the lengthy corridors, I jumped as I met Dumbledore on my way.

"Professor... I need... to you... about...-"

"I know, Holly. Here, follow me."

I followed him all the way up to the Astronomy Tower and he began pacing back and forth.

"Now, there's no easy way to explain this do you Holly, but the truth must be told some day,

"You see, when you survived the killing curse, like no other has, of course other that Harry. Voldemort had just killed your mother, Lilly. By doing so he transferred her genes of Metamorphai, and so you became a metamorphagus, as you know already.

"However, what you do not already know is that this power was given to you by no less that Voldemort himself, as he used the same wand that killed your mother, who was also a metamorphagus.

"You see, being presented a gift by Voldemort comes at a price, and yours a fatal one. He can control your mind, or at least a Deatheater can do so, hense why your dream was not a dream, but an image of yourself in a Deatherter's body, patrolling the castle.

"I do not know who it is, and they may not know of this power you have yet either. But I do know that you musn't allow the person to control you, as they may be able to do, just like an Imperius Curse of sorts."

"But, sir, why did my hair begin to glow?'

"Magic in all it's beauty can control the mind, the emotions and even the senses and movement." And at that, Dumbledore disappeared, his words left hanging in the air like a piece of wet clothing on a line.

I am different, but why me?

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