Chapter 30 - Eating Breakfast with a Hungarian Horntail

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I awoke with a gasp . My head was hurting. 

This was really bad. Malfoy was interfering with my life. I hated him; that son of a squib was ruining my friendship and he was doing it deliberately, he must have been doing it deliberately.

I tried to remember what had happened yesterday. But I had no clue. I had flashes of images play through my mind with no meaning to me whatsoever. It was as if the Quidditch referee had Confounded me!

I got out of bed when my feet hit the cold, hard floor. I curled my toes to spread the shock as I realised I was not in my own dorm, but in the hospital wing. I put on my dressing robe and nervously put my had through my hair only to discover it was very short and a matted mess.

I slipped on my shoes with great care as my hands were sensitive. I picked up my crutches and stumbled lazily down the hall in shear silence. I quickened my pace as the Great Hall came into view. I threw open the doors and walked over briskly towards Hermione and Ron, realising there were only a few people in the hall. It was  a Hogsmeade trip (of course, no first years allowed). I sat down graciously as I turned up my nose at the food offered due to the fact Ron had eaten most of it like a pig and put me off the bacon and sausages on offer. A hand grabbed my shoulder abruptly, causing my reflexes to make me leap out of my seat and reach for my wand. But it wasn't there; then my eyes drew a halt on the white hair before me.

"Mal-" Malfoy shot me a scornful look. "I mean Draco, where's my wand?"

"Who's wand?"

"My wand."

"Yes... what about your wand?"

"Where is my - my meaning Holly Beatrice Potter - Dragan - Heart String 11 inches, Oak wand, originally bought at Ollivander's shop on Diagon Alley."

"Oh! I thought it could do with a little bit of examining."

"Can I have my wand back then?"

"I think I might hold onto it for a little while longer, if you don't mind."

'But I do mind."

"I am going to pretend you never said that as I am not caring for one's opinion on the matter at this moment in time. Unless I get a hug."

I shook my head in answer.

"Just let me have it, Draco!"

"Give me one reason."

"I... I-I need it!"

"What for?"

"Hexing you! I swear, I am this close do doing do, with or without my wand!"

"All the more reason to keep it! I must say, I am truly enjoying this - watching you become an impatient little ungrateful-" Ron got out of his seat. Malfoy coughed and continued. "It's almost amusing. Pitiful, yes, but hilarious to watch!"

"Not in my opinion. Hand it over Malfoy." Ron held out his hand for the wand and glared at Malfoy with threat knitted in his eyebrows.

"She doesn't need it until the February Week. She's in hospital 'till early March and I'm looking after her. Not you."

"Doesn't look like it."

"I'm doing it for her own good, Weasel."

"We'll see about that." Harry had arrived and was towering over Malfoy in fury.

"Want to bet, Potter." Malfoy retorted obtusely.

"If a fight is what you want, Malfoy, I'll give you one."

"No. No. No... I have no interest in fights. This is much more fun. Don't think of throwing me again, Potter. Or I will let it slip about Holly's little secret, and you wouldn't want that, would you?"

Then Malfoy strutted off with a smug smirk written all over his twisted face.

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