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I woke with a start, like you do when you doze off in Potions.

The nausea sensation had subsided and I was surrounded by roses. They were beautiful, with their handsome leaves crisp and sharp. Like him.

Him rushed over to me.

"Get off.  Where am I? Who... Who are you?" I felt numb and frightened, like a mouse being hunted by an eagle.

It's me. Draco. Draco Malfoy." He seemed to be questioning his name, or my reaction.

"What?" I asked defensively, my hair turning a fiery red colour, but it didn't all show through as my hair hadn't fully changed back to itself when him changed it. I will never trust him again. I swear on my brother's life.

"This wasn't supposed to happen... I had triple checked they could mix together."

It was him. I was sure of it.

"Are you... him?" I felt like a puppy being scolded.

"I guess." His face was knotted. It didn't suit him. His eyebrows were crossed and he was frowning, bringing out his every crease and dimple.

"Answer me this... What's the stone?" Him was getting on my nerves with all these unanswered questions in my head and one word answers when I got them.

"It's on the third floor, that's all I know." I told him unwillingly, but lovingly, with passion, letting the words come off the tip of my tongue like a poem I was reciting from memory.

I could not lie. I must not tell lies. I told myself.

"Me or Harry?"

"Him." Is al I could say, I was mesmerised my own words.

"Do you love me?" I knew this would come, but it felt like a blow to the chest. But now was the time to choose between what was easy and what was right.

I could not pretend that I didn't love him. I had nothing to hide. Anymore.

"Always." I whispered in his ear.

" I beg to differ. In my case, I fell in love with you like I fall asleep in transfiguration: slowly, and then all at once."

He picked me up and I embraced him into a hug with open arms. He was cold, I shivered. But soon he warmed and I clung tighter, like I was saying goodbye to and old friend and if he let go, I felt I would fall into the darkness.

I remember an old saying which I will refer to now: Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times , if one only remembers to turn on the light.

The breathing steadied and I rested my head on his shoulder, but slowly he pushed away and left me in amongst the roses alone, just as he was about to go back down the bush steps I called after him.

"What are you doing? You can't just drag me in like that and expect me to be okay with it!"

"I never said you would be... but this isn't real, Holly. You don't love me and I can't make you."

And at that he spun on his heels and closed the door to the light, and once again I was enveloped by the overhanging darkness, only being allowed a flavour of the light and then have it taken from be again. I couldn't keep doing this.

All I could think of was him as the effects of the potion began to wear off.

That son of a squib.

I thought this over and over and over until... I have a plan.

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