Chapter 22: Broken, Beaten, and Scarred

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I furiously marched to the war rig, Max and Phoenix right behind me, Phoenix put on war paint, she was angry as fuck and I couldn't blame her, she had two shot guns, a sawed off strapped to her thigh and a normal length one strapped to her back and a sniper rifle, that they kept in Max's car. Max himself had his shot gun, he is focus was driving.

Me? I needed to get Ariadne back, no matter what it took. I stepped into my war rig, giving Max the signal to start driving and we were speeding towards gas town. Phoenix was at the back of Max's car, standing up like the war boys did. I could see the anger in her eyes and she pulled on her mask, hiding her mouth from the sand.

I clutched my gun tightly, as soon as I had the chance I would shoot everyone that ever thought about taking Ariadne. We were approaching, the war rig with Ariadne in the very front, and it wasn't long before their escort saw us. They turned around, heading straight for us. I could hear Phoenix shoot off her sniper rifle, taking out as many men as she could. I drove my rig into their cars, throwing them off balance, and shooting whoever didn't get crushed by the wheels. Phoenix gave me her signal to go forward, take down the rig and grab Ariadne, they would handle the war boys.

I stepped on the gas, pulling myself closer and closer to the war rig. They shot at me, one of them even tried to jump in but my bullet through his head stopped him. I examined the front of the rig, Ariadne wasn't there so they must be kept her in the back. War boys came up from behind me, ramming into the side of the rig trying to push me over. But the sweet sound of Max's interceptor and the explosion when Phoenix shot at their gas tanks saved me, and once again We were right next to each other. I watched Max go to the other side of the rig, Phoenix shooting down the war boys that remained, I pulled myself up until I was eye to eye with the driver and shot him. The rig spun out of control and stopped.

Max and Phoenix were out of the car and made their way to the rig, holding their guns up as I made my way up to it too. They nodded at me, both ready for whatever was going to come out of the rig. When it was opened, imperial guard and war boys stormed out, Ariadne was in the back, unconscious.

They came forward, attacking. Screaming about Valhalla and killing in Scrotus' name. Pine came at me with a knife, slicing at my throat, I leaned back grabbing his arm turning him around and twisting it, bringing my gun to his head and shooting him onto the floor. I turned around, Max had war boys knocked out all around him and Phoenix was handling herself. I ran into the rig, grabbing the unconscious Ariadne and throwing her over my shoulder, sprinting back into the rig.

I examined her wounds, bruises and there was a brand on her arm, Scrotus' symbol for traitors. "I GOT HER LETS GO" I screamed out of the window, starting up the rig. There was a loud gunshot, I heard Phoenix scream, then another gunshot. I popped my head out the window. Max had his shot gun pointing at a now dead war boy, fury and anger in his eyes, and a little further away was Phoenix, on the floor, clutching her side. I could see blood on her fingers... She had been shot.

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