Chapter 77: I'm Sorry

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I wander quietly into Ariadne's room, she sat on the bed, playing with the radio Furiosa gave her. She looks up, a smile on her face as she ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh I'm so so so so sorry" she spoke, squeezing me in her arms.

"It's alright, darling, I understand. I'm sorry for making you forget, I shouldn't have interfered I just didn't want you to hurt" she looked at me and smiled.

"I know, I know." She chuckled, "so I heard Jeet came by, I missed him?" She frowned a little.

"Yeah he came by, the morphine helped him out quite a bit" she plopped herself down on the bed. "Oh thank god, I feel so fucking bad for him"

"Ugh I know" I sighed "when me and max go on another raid I'm gonna see if I can find some more for him," she put in one of her cd's, Jimi Hendrix I think, one of my favourites from the old world. "I love you, you know that right?" She chuckled.

"Of course" I sat with her, cocking my head to the side and thinking about what the world used to be. "You know what I miss?" I groaned "fruit"

Ariadne's face dropped and she stared at me. "I would fucking love to have some fruit right now..." She sighed "fucking desert, there's not even and Cactuses" I laughed, bringing my hand to my mouth.

"Cacti" I corrected.

"Fuck you, I've always said cactuses" we laughed together, and for once everything finally felt like it did before. I know we all miss the old, green world. But if it wasn't for the wasteland I wouldn't have found Ariadne, I would t have found Max, I guess that was the silver lining.

Furiosa marched in, freezing in her tracks when she saw me and Ariadne,she was holding two bowls of food, I guess they planned a little night together, I laughed. I got to my feet, "no worries, I'll leave you two alone" smiling mischievously to her.

"Yeah, yeah, you just want an excuse to go keep Max company" she winked, moving her eyebrows up and down playfully. I laughed, making my way to the vault door.

"You guys have a good night, sweet dreams" they said goodnight to me, and I smiled at Ariadne one last time before I closed the door behind me.

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