Chapter 101: War

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Jeet, Ariadne and I sat at a table eating dinner, laughing and making jokes with each other, which felt great because we haven't laughed in a long time. Things felt a little better, but truthfully they were getting worse, I missed Max insanely but whatever we had was done. He was cold to me now, heartless and I couldn't blame him, but I didn't care either.

Eventually the laughing stopped and we all became miserable again, in the wasteland happiness doesn't last a long time. Furiosa joined us, sliding next to Ariadne and kissing her on the cheek. Ii grumbled a little, but stayed silent. Jeet nudged me with his elbow to tell me to move over, Max was coming now. He sat next to Jeet, having him between the two if us, not saying a word.

"Alright..." Furiosa breathed, eating her food slowly "so now that were all here, I think it's time we have a serious talk about the next town over" there was silence, she had our attention now. "Well, they're becoming a problem, they're trying to take some territory from us and sooner or later they're going to try to come to us"

"So what are you saying?" I asked, leaning a little closer to her.

"I think we should plan something" Ariadne's voice rang "but it's going to be hard, we don't hAve the same advantage that we did with gas town"

"They're not as experienced" Max's voice rasped, he sounded different, distraught. "And we have Jeet" Jeets eyes widened and he looked at us confused.

"What? Hey look I can't tell the fuckin future!" He laughed a little "I just see things sometimes, VERY roughly in my dreams"

"But you know shit, you can find out shit, I swear you used to have connections to bullet farm" Jeet sighed but nodded, before he took over gas town he trade with them.

"Okay, but we can't do anything with the war boys about; we have to lower their numbers before we go and attack" I reasoned. Furiosa brought her hand to her face, deep in thought. All of us looked miserable and nervous, but this is what had to be done to try and get the world stable again.

"You and Max will take care d the war boys" Furiosa commanded

"What??" I sounded a little ruder than I thought, Max gave Furiosa a deadly look, but both of us knew she wasn't going to be reasoned with.

"With his driving and your aim you can get a lot done, so whatever's going in between you guys, bury it. Because we have no time for it." I sighed, I knew she was right; and so did Max, though he didn't look to happy about it. "You and Max take the east, Ariadne and I will take the west, Jeet and his boys will take the south, north is already our territory. We lower their numbers, then we'll figure out a war plan."

"So then, it's official" Jeet laughed a little, a mischievous smile plastered on his face, he was always a little too happy when it came to war. "Were going to war with Bullet Farm"

This is the last chapter of this story. DON'T FRET, THERE WILL BE A SEQUAL. I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR READING THIS. ❤️

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