Chapter 65: Bad Dreams

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We laid together in the grass, looking up at the sky as the sun set below the horizon. His hand gently touched mine, holding it gently and interlocking his fingers into mine. He turned around, his eyes met mine, but they were cold.

"Phoenix do you love me?" He spoke, placing his freezing hand on my face.

"Yes... Yes I love you" I replied, looking into his eyes, these eyes were not Max's...

"You're lying" he spoke, turning his back on me "you love him"

My eyes shot open, gasping for air. The stab wound in my stomach burning slightly, but I could feel it getting better. Max sat up immediately, his hand touching my back and rubbing it. "Nightmares..." The mumbled, pulling me into his arms "it's alright, you're alright" he kissed my head lightly.

My dream was so vivid, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I hadn't had a dream about Joel I'm so long... He died a long time ago... I kept him close to my heart of course, but I knew that if he could see me right now he'd be smiling. I was happy again, I found love again, just like Joel would've wanted me to.

I looked up at Max, his eyes were closed and he rocked back and forth slightly, I guess he couldn't sleep. I examined his facial structure, running my finger along his jawline. He didn't move, his eyes stayed closed. I loved him, I needed him.

I pulled myself up, turning onto my stomach and crawling onto Max, his eyes snapped open looking at me, frozen. I kissed the corner of his mouth, his cheek, then he his jaw before getting up to my feet and grabbing a cigarette, haven't had one in a while I thought to myself. I lit it and Max watched as I inhaled and exhaled the tobacco. "That isn't good for you" he mumbled, looking at my face.

"Either is driving around like a lunatic but we do that every day" Max chuckled. I leaned against the wall. There was a knock at the Vault door and Jeet came walking though, he looked a little sad.

"Well, I'm off to gas town... Gotta set stuff up over there, check on the civilians bring back some fuel for your cars and rigs" I stared at Jeet, I had no idea he was leaving, I pulled him into a hug. Max came up to him, tapping him gently on the shoulder.

"Don't cause any trouble" he joked. I handed Jeet a little bottle of clear liquid and a needle. Jeet and Max stared at it curiously.

"Morphine" I spoke, their eyes widened, there hadn't been any medicine like that around here in a long time. "Ariadne and found some when we were raiding off in gas town, saving it for something really bad... Maybe it can help with your head..." Jeet looked up at me, thanking me over and over again. I laughed "thank Ariadne when you see her" he nodded, saying goodbye again and leaving the vault. 



"What's your last name?" I asked curiously, he raised an eyebrow at me laughing a little. I was going to ask about his child, but I figured he would tell me that when he was ready. But I couldn't say nothing, Max didn't like that.

"Rockatansky" he spoke, I opened my mouth to speak but it was like he could read my mind. "I was a cop" he smiled a little. "What about you?"

"I fixed cars for a living" I chuckled "kinda like I do now, I'm just better at it" Max spotted a bug on the floor, a big bug. His eyes widened and he kicked it, no.. He didn't stomp on it, he didn't swat it, Max kicked the fucking bug. When he saw it didn't die, he ripped his shoe off his foot, throwing it at the bug, squishing it. I laughed, and he looked up, a smile on his face.

"What?" His yes met mine and I gave him a warm smile.

"Crazy 'bout ya" I smiled but Max's smile faded. He got to his feet, walking to the other side of the room. He blinked hard, he twitched again, holding his hands to his head he looked around his breathing becoming heavy. "Max?" I walked up to him, grabbing his wrists and kissing them. He calmed down a bit but he couldn't look at me. I rested my forehead against his, his eyes were closed and he was taking slow breaths now.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. "Just... Just a memory"

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