Chapter 51: Just As It Begins, It Ends

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All of us, every single warrior we had was now standing outside the Citadel, the huge war rigs manned and ready, every one of these warrior ready to do whatever it took to bring this tyrant down. I readied myself on the back of Max's car, we installed handle bars, he was able to go faster and I could still have accuracy with my weapon. I looked over at Ariadne, in the drivers seat of a rig with fearless warriors on the top of it, manning their guns, I then looked over at Jeet, his hands gripping the wheel, ready. Furiosa walked in front of all of us, she stayed silent for a moments her eyes scanning each and every face.

"No matter what happens today, we are heroes" she started. "We are standing up to the tyrannical  rule of Scabrous Scrotus, and today, we will bring him down" Max revved his engine twice, as if to add effect to Furiosa's speech. "Today we will not only free the civilians of Gas Town, but all of the territory that Scrotus has stolen from us! Today we fight for our freedom!" There was a roar, from everyone standing before her, she looked down the road with her binoculars, giving the rigs a hand signal, the three of them were off, Jeet first, Ariadne second and Furiosa last, but they quickly fanned out until they were side by side. Max turned to look at me, and I gave him a single nod reading the many weapons I had as he sped off.

It felt like forever driving towards Scrotus and his army, the adrenaline was running through my blood as I pulled my mask over my mouth. Max drove behind the two three rigs, invisible to the opponent. Furiosa's war rig was in the middle, and as we got closer and closer she sounded the alarm, that was the sound of war.
First came the war boys, our rigs were enhanced with better armor, so the weak cars were taken out easily by front ramming them, but it wasn't long before they started shooting at us. I watched as Jeet gave someone else the wheel and climbed up onto of his rig, firing his crossbow at the lancers that tried to throw their weapons at our fuel tanks. Jeet stood up, letting out a triumphant scream as he took them down. Ariadne sped ahead, ramming her war into one of theirs from behind. I watched as the Warriors up top climbed aboard, fighting close quarters with the war boys, the snipers on Furiosa's rig took out the polecats that were approaching quickly. Max stepped on the gas, bringing us up and further into the battle. He brought the car close enough for me to jump onto one of the big rigs as I began to fight with the war boys. Ariadne's rig pulled up next to the one I was on, bullets fired out of her window and the rig suddenly stopped. We took one down. I jumped onto Ariadne's rig, almost losing my grip as I clung onto the door, I crawled in, shooting out of the window and at the fuel tanks of the war boys cars.

Jeet's rig pulled up next to Ariadne's side, he hung of the side of the door, his crossbow ready in his hand. "Scrotus is just up ahead, get rid of his escort first then we can handle him!" Ariadne nodded, I could see the fury in her eyes as she smudged some black oil on her forehead, the war paint of an Imperator. The Harpoons came out now, some of the war boys got behind us, trying to pull Ariadne's rig away. Furiosa was ahead with Jeet, crushing some vehicles between the heavy rig.

"FUCK THEYRE SLOWING US DOWN!" I climbed out the window, running to the back attempting to remove the chains from the harpoons. I watched Max's car pull up.

"MOVE, MOVE" he ordered me, and I obliged. I watched Max stick his shot gun out the window, shooting off the chains and then shooting the fuel tanks as they spun out of control, three simultaneous explosions. Max sped up, riding next to Ariadne's war rig. I looked around, as we took out their war boys, they sadly took out our warriors as well, they were wounded, or even gone, lost soldiers, and I told myself they would not die in vein. I felt the fury run through my veins as we got closer and closer to Scrotus's car. I watched as Furiosa hung out of her car door, her arm laced through the window, delivering shots to Scrotus' beloved imperial guards. Ariadne pulled up on the other side, I ran the length of the rig, praying to god that I landed on the imperial guards rig, but they sped up, just out of my reach, I felt myself free falling, bracing myself for whatever came next.

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