Chapter 4

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After texting Rebekah about the barbeque on Saturday, she had practically freaked out, and insisted we go shopping before. Apparently, the girl would take any excuse to go shopping, and would have gone every day because she needed to find, and I quote, "the perfect outfit, shoes, bag, accessories and make up" for the occasion. Yes, she even wanted to buy make up. But she had to settle for Friday, seeing as, you know, I have a life and all that.

A sad, miserable life where I'm currently in a relationship with my notes, but a life, nonetheless. Don't judge me.

Anyway, knowing that she would never forgive me if I hadn't, I decided to tell Caroline about the plans for Friday as well. I was kind of scared actually, having Caroline and Rebekah together. Those two seem oddly alike. I was sure they were going to turn me into a live mannequin and make me try on all kinds of ridiculous outfits, but oh well. Fingers crossed. Caroline obviously accepted in a heartbeat, 1) because it involved shopping, and 2) because having Rebekah near meant being one step closer to the Mikaelson brothers. Mikaelson being their last name. I forgot to mention that earlier. I apologise.

Back on point. It was now Friday morning and I was getting ready to meet the girls, who were both supposed to be waiting for me in front of my house in about fifteen minutes. I, of course, had woken up late. The alarm clock had failed to wake me up on time seeing as I just love hitting the snooze button, and my darling brother Enzo didn't take the hint of me wanting to get up after ten alarm rings, so he let me be. Although, to be fair, every time he had tried to wake me up in the past, he had always ended up getting attacked. So I don't blame him really.

I had just taken a shower and was now desperately trying to find something to wear. Seeing as it was somewhat hot out, I decided on a pair of jean shorts, white tank top and I also put on my favourite rust cardigan for good measure. I was having a bit of a bad hair day, so I dug out my trusty baseball cap. I was looking for my white converse when I heard the bell ring.

"Maya, the door!" Seriously? It was obvious that my brother was downstairs, and he wanted me to open the door?! I decided to ignore him. Sure enough, another two rings later and I heard him get up, grumbling all the way. I smirked. Maya 1; Enzo 0.

"Hello girls," he smiled, both of whom smiled right back, flashing their pearly whites. I hated to say it, but my brother's a catch with the ladies. Always seems to have them right in the palms of his hands. No idea how he does it, really. They tell me it's the eyes. Now he and I have practically the same eyes, and I know for a fact that my eyes do not have that effect on people, whatsoever. I was robbed, I tell you. Something else lost in my genes. Ugh, life.

"Ah, Maya, there you are," Caroline called out as I showed up at the top of the stairs. "We were wondering where you were." Of course you were.

"Well, here I am," I said. "Ready to go?"

"I'm off to meet Damon at the park. So make sure to take a key with you, and I'll catch you later, yeah? See ya," he said, removing my baseball cap, planting a kiss on my forehead, giving me a little nudgie, of course, and placing my cap back. Ah, brothers and their demonstrations of affection.

"Gotcha," I replied, giving him a quick hug.

"Aren't Maya and Enzo the sweetest? So, Rebekah, are your brothers anything like that?" Caroline asked our new friend as we made our way to the car.

"Like that? Gosh no. They love me, but they have weird ways of showing it. Wait, how do you know I have brothers?"

"Oh uhh... Maya told me." Of course, put the blame on me, why don't you?

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