Chapter 7

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Over the next few days, this happened a lot. I saw more and more of Kol every day. I would go for my normal lunch break and Kol would be there. If I didn't meet him there, I would almost always find him outside his house. Honestly, I couldn't decide if it was exciting or creepy. But I had to admit, I was looking forward to these meetings. I mean, have you seen the guy?! Exactly. And besides, he lived next door, I couldn't exactly hide from him, even if I wanted to.

Which I didn't.

Summer was drawing closer, and although as I have previously said, exercise and I are not exactly friends, Rebekah had bullied me into starting to go jogging. Whether I wanted to or not, I would find her ringing the doorbell at seven in the morning before my lectures. I wasn't thrilled with this new arrangement, and neither was Enzo. Neither of us were morning persons. But she wouldn't have it. Her determination is one to be admired, let me tell you.

"One of these days I'm going to throw that damn doorbell in the lake," he had said. It had come to that, and it didn't work. Actually, I think it made it worse. She was now banging down on the door. Cue Enzo's groaning. And mine.

Anyway, I was now trying to be ready before seven so that we wouldn't have to hear the banging, and I would avoid the headache I would normally have to endure later on.

"Wow, someone's eager for their morning jog!" she said that morning when she found me outside waiting for her.

"Not really," I said. "I just don't want a day's headache after all that banging."

We went through our normal route, going through quiet roads and narrow paths. I had to admit, if I were to go out for a jog, this would be the time to do it. Never had I seen anything so peaceful and serene. I might get used to this. It was the actual waking up that was hard to get used to. Damn you, bed.

When we got to our halfway mark at the park, we stopped for our five minute break. I took out my water for a sip and Rebekah rested on the railings, stretching her legs. That's when the awkward conversation started.

"So, Maya," she started. "I noticed you've been talking to Kol a lot lately."

"Uhh, yeah," I answered, taking a sip from my water bottle.

"What do you think of him?" There's the awkward part.

"Uhh..." I had no idea how to answer questions like these. "He's cool, I guess. Nice to talk to, sometimes, he can be cocky, not bad on the eyes... although I don't know what to make of the fact that he's always at the café during my lunch break."

"Yeah, I let that slip, I'm sorry," she said. "Look, I'm not sure I should say this, but be careful."

"Why? This is your brother we're talking about, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, no don't get me wrong, he's a great guy. It's just, he's too cocky for his own good. I mean, yeah he's handsome, but he knows it, you know what I mean? It can get to his head. I'm not always sure what his intentions are, if that makes any sense."


"Look, one thing's for sure. He likes you. There's no doubt about that. It's just, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. I know how he is around girls. He can be a bit of a playboy. And if he wants something, he gets it. I'm sorry, that sounds intense. You know what I mean. Right? Am I making sense?"

"Yeah, I think I got it. Be careful around Kol, intentions not always clear. Wait, he likes me?"

"Look, it's obvious you like him too, you blush like crazy every time he's around or I mention his name, but you don't know him like I do. No offense."

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