chapter 4. flat white or cappuccino?

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Jakobs POV !

I hate Elliot.

There's something about him that makes my nerves tick. I don't know if it's to do with his annoying personality or disturbing looks but something about him puts me off. His too bubbly and friendly, I've never met someone so enthusiastic like him before. What's there to be happy about if you're poor?

I have to get rid of him... No, I must get rid of him. I have three days to change his mind about travelling to Los Angeles with the rest of the Interns and I. Right now its so hard to do so when he just listens to me all the damn time instead of giving up his spot for LA. Soon enough I'll have to begin plotting plan B, or C. Heck! I'll probably need to begin plotting the whole alphabet.

" seriously these shorts are so annoying why didn't you buy a bigger size?" I pulled and tugged on the shorts for the hundredth time to adjust to my size and liking.

" Im sorry, next time I go shopping I'll just buy everything twice my size for you" Elliot said rather sarcastically. I don't like this little brats sarcasm, you simply cannot speak to me directly like that and get away with it.

"Yeah, I'd like that very much. Actually, that should be another rule. Whatever Elliot buys, must fit Jakob too" I pulled out my phone and went straight to my notes section and began squeezing in rule eleven.

" oh so now you're going to make rules as we go?" Elliot tried his best to sound confident in his words but I knew very well he was just trying to hold a brave face.

"Good idea.. Rule number twelve, Jakob can make rules as he goes" I smiled to myself and shook my head at how much of a ridiculous genius I was. I started typing away on my phone but stopped mid sentence when I realised I forgot to make up Consequences for breaking each rule. I got so caught up in making Elliot suffer I forgot about consequences. However, we finally made it to Gloria Jeans Coffee place which made me shrug off my thoughts and place my phone back into my pocket. Note to self, Create genius consequences.

The smell of roasted coffee beans filled my nostrils and it smelt like home. Growing up with Parents who have a major in Business means never really getting time to sit down as a family and having a decent breakfast. Coffee was always Mum and Dads 'go to' drink in the mornings, before they made a rush to the door with papers and cheques flying every where. Coffee smells like home, some where I have not been in years.

" Mm Espresso Con Panna" I heard Elliot say behind me. Even the sound of his voice annoyed me, I just need one more thing for him to sa-

"With extra whipped cream, oh my God" and there it was. He officially pisses me off in any way, shape or form.

"What're you talking about werido? " I raised a brow at him and stared down his every move. He was smiling from ear to ear while looking at the context written out in large, bold, black writing hung above. He was like a child in a candy shop, only this was a coffee shop and he was far from an adorable child.

"Espresso Con Panna Adams, it means espresso with cream, I so happen to know some body who makes the best in town" Elliot said and smirked as he continued to read the gibberish written on the menu.

"You know I've been really stressed out lately and I could really use a punching bag Monroe" I said honestly. All this work and travelling means I really need something to release all my stress onto. Preferably something blond and six foot with blue eyes.

" maybe if you didn't wake up every morning at four am, you wouldn't be so stressed" Elliot said. He turned his attention to a brunette who was walking our way from behind the counter.

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