Chapter 6- Big Day

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Elliot's POV.

"Wake up sweetie! The day has finally arrived!" My Mum screeched in my ear and vigorously shook me around in my bed. I groaned and turned my back to her. How could you be so happy and full of life at six am? I was happy about today though, I've been up all night twisting and turning trying to place myself into various scenarios that I would probably never encounter in Los Angeles. I fell asleep at approximately three am due to all the excitement I was feeling about today. I only received three hours of sleep and what my Mum was doing right now only made my stomach churn with nervousness.

" two more hours of sleep Mum! Two more, is that so much to ask for?" I mumbled into my pillow with hopes that she understood what I said. After all, I wasn't really in the mood to repeat myself.

" Elliot! Your flight leaves at nine and the gates close at eight" I turned to look at my Mother who had her hands on her hips whilst she glared down at me. I challenged her and glared back.

"What part of two more hours don't you get?" I said but before I had a chance to utter another word my Mum had already grabbed me by the ear and began pulling me out of my bed. I quickly obliged seeing as the last thing I wanted was leaving for LA with a massive bandage on my ear.

"That's what I thought." My Mum said and grinned " now hurry up! I made your favourite dinosaur pancakes." my Mum pinched my cheek and smiled at me from ear to ear. It's a very rare sight now-a-days to see my Mum like this. She's usually locked up in her room working like crazy and when she wasn't working she was picking up my slack. It's been like this for years now and the fact that I don't bring anything home to the table makes me feel like a poor excuse of a son. Or in this case, man of the house.

" Mum, I'm not six anymore" I said and rubbed my cheek on the spot she just pinched.

" well you certainly still act like it! Tik Tok times ticking Elliot" she said to me before leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Today was going to be an interesting day, no doubt. After leaving me for three days Jakob still made it quite obvious he cared for me as a mentor. With regular texts about what I should expect and what he expects from me. I even went shopping for the first time in a long time. Jakob was there with me though, he made sure I face timed him for the duration of the shopping trip so he could see what I was getting. Or if I looked good in an outfit or not. As much as I hate to say it, Jakob wasn't turning out like the rich brat I met four days ago.

Los Angeles today meant that I had to get my head in the game and start taking everything seriously because it's make it or break it. I have Jakob H Adams as a mentor for crying out loud! No other Intern that was travelling to LA understands what kind of burden I have on my back. I need to impress Adams if I really want this Job. I need to impress Hartley if I really want this job.

Adams: lie lie and lie! Cocky persuasion always does it.

I read the text and studied it very carefully. This must've been another one of Jakobs "handy business tips" he has been sending a lot of them to me lately and I guess today is the day where I can finally put them to good use. However, this one didn't quite make sense to me. Cocky persuasion ? I'm not Jakob Adams I can't just build up an big ego in less then twenty four hours and expect it to bring forth good things.

I went to look at myself in the mirror, it was like déjà vu. Just four days ago I was staring at my reflection telling myself not to freak out. Today was just the same. I needed to relax and not think so much, over thinking usually led to stupid actions. Just like when I made a fool of myself with Hartley, the last thing I want right now is making a fool of myself once more.

It was a big day, I obviously couldn't ignore that fact but if I keep treating it like a "big day" then all the nervous side affects will start kicking in. This is why I need to constantly lie to myself and reassure myself that it's just like any other day.

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