Chapter 5- Its my house though?

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Elliot POV.

Ever since the little coffee shop incident I've been contemplating on calling it quits on the internship trip to Los Angeles. I didn't quite understand what jakobs problem was back at the cafe. Although I was trying my hardest to not seem the slightest bit fazed at his actions, I couldn't help but feel like my heart took a plunge into my stomach, where a million knives gave it the stabbing of its lifetime. Whatever crawled up his ass made it quite clear it was going to be staying there for a while and make itself a home. Whatever crawled up his ass also made it clear it hated me... Lauren too of course.

I have not received any news from Jakob since this morning. I would have expected him to be blowing up my phone with texts and missed calls ( wait let me reword that. Threats and missed calls ) but nothing. I personally interpreted it as a little taste of freedom. . . For a little while I guess. I've realised after spending a short time with Jakob, I've grown a slight custom to his presence. This must explain why I had a little bit of disappointment etched on my features whenever I looked at my phone but only to come face to face with a blank screen.

I walked up the steps to the last house on Larson Boulevard. Also known as home. The only place I wanted to be right now. I attempted to turn the knob a few times and too my luck (not) the door was locked. I hadn't made an effort earlier today to grab the keys on the way out this morning, my mind was too occupied on nonsense.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and let my thumbs do a little dance on the keyboard as I tried to think of the right words to send to my Mother.

Hey Mum, I know you're working right now... But I'm locked out, could you come home asap?

I cringed at the text and erased everything. Knowing my Mum, she would call me and begin screaming at me in twenty foreign languages about how stupid I can be sometimes. Then I'd have to remove the phone from my ears because my Mums "yelling voice" is a force to be reckoned with.

So I did what I knew best... I climbed my bedroom window! This is something I'm use to doing. In fact, if climbing into houses were an Olympic sport I would probably win Gold for Australia. It's not rocket science.

"Alright Old Oaky, we meet again" I spoke to the large oak tree that stood tall and proud in our front lawn. We had many encounters together. He challenged me on some days and helped me out a lot on others. I owe this tree my life because he has done many things for me that any human would never do. Like right now for instance, helping me back into my house.

"Be good this time" I said and sucked in a Deep breath as I took my first step on the trees smallest branch. I slowly moved my way up, trying my absolute hardest to not get bitch slapped in the face by a branch.

About half way up the the tree I heard an unfamiliar noise which made me stop climbing immediately and look for the source of it. My eyes landed on a bright pink dress, with big bouncy curls, a pink ribbon, a very giant pink teddy bear and of course the little girl who was the owner of all these things. She was standing on our pavement looking up at me with large, dopey eyes.

"What are you doing in that tree? My mummy says climbing trees are very dangerous" she said to me and began twirling her curls between her fingers.

" well you see little girl I-"

"Are you a Robber?" Pink freak show interrupted me mid sentence.

"Of course not, if I was a Robber would I be breaking into this house from the most obvious place?" I raised a brow at her and placed my free hand on my hip.

" are a Robber? Just not a very smart one. Mummy says if I see a bad man to call the Police " She said to me. I knew this little girl was bad news from this point on. She's like the innocent little girls in movies who end up being the serial killers.

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