Javier and Paris (Falling for the enemy)

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During the dance that night, Javier didn't seem to look too well.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" He said. I could tell though that he was lying because he looked as if he was going to throw up. He went to go to the bathroom after and I was starting to get more worried about the whole Drew thing. Could Drew still want to kill me? And could Javier be lying about everything seeming okay?

When he got out of the bathroom I asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing" He said. "Everything's fine"

But I wasn't so sure. "Well, what about your dad? Does he still want to kill me"

"I..." Javier said. "He might"


"Listen, I don't want to scare you Paris"

"Yeah I realize that. But you should have told me"

At that moment the doors opened that came from outside the gym. We both looked over as Drew walked in looking as if he was about to stab anyone that got in his way.

"Shit" Javier said grabbing my hand and steering me in the other direction. We headed out the doors that led to the hallway of the school. We started in a run and every second the fear was beating against me. Or maybe it was just my heart that was beating so fast it was unbelieveable.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we ran.

"I don't know. I'm just going to get you out of here" Javier said. "I'm sorry I ever let this happen"

"It's okay" I said. "But I should probably call Seth"

"No" He said. "Seth can't know about this"

"He already does"

"He can't know that Drew is after you right now. You'll have to make up some kind of excuse when Drew isn't following us anymore"

"Where are we going?"

"A hotel maybe?"

"A hotel? Overnight with you?"

He looked at me a second. "You'd rather die then?"

"No" I said. "Just keep going"

Drew had gotten in a car and was now following us down the road.

I never felt more scared in my life. But now everything had changed. Because Javier and I were on the run from an obsessive killer that wanted me dead.

Javier and Paris (Falling for the enemy)Where stories live. Discover now