Chapter One

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Outskirts of Mirkwood Forest                                                                                                                                     Spring, 2759

  It had been years since the twins arrival to Radagast's home, as the Brown wizard took the girls in and raised them as they were his own children.  However, it was no easy task for the Brown wizard, since the Dwarven women had grown older, the much complicated they had became, especially Charmaine, as she became more fascinated with the Dark Arts, as she have been hearing about them through different tales.  Radagast had kept warning Charmaine, that she would not want to take any part in that, and he refused to allow her to do so.  Unfortunately, Charmaine rebelled against the Brown Wizard's warnings, as she would sneak off during the night to search for any resources on the matter of Black Magic.   And at the same time, Lydia and Charmaine had both been fighting constantly.  Lydia also didn't want to see her sister fall into the wrong hands with her magic, which was the main topic of their arguments from the beginning.     That same afternoon, Gandalf had dropped by for a visit, and of course, he entered during one of the worst arguments between Charmaine, Lydia and Radagast--in fact, he just walked in when Charmaine had turned Radagast into a toad. 

  Gandalf demanded to Charmaine to turn Radagast back into his normal form,   and she did.   After that was done, Gandalf turn his attention to Radagast.  "Radagast,  we need to talk about something really important!" said Gandalf.   "Why of course, Gandalf!" said Radagast, as they two of them entered the Brown Wizard's study.   "It has come to my attention that these two cannot be together at all! Unfortunately Radagast,  Charmaine has chosen her path to the Dark Arts, and there is no use in trying to change her mind--she had been set on this since she was younger--not to mention her violent feelings towards her sister--its time that the two should be seperated." said Gandalf.  "What do you suggest I should do then?" asked Radagast.  "Charmaine most definitely cannot stay here--you have to tell Charmaine its time that she's ready to be out on her own.  In fact, she should go to Rohan or Gondor and stay there if she wishes too!" said Gandalf.  "And what of Lydia?" asked Radagast.  

 "I wish for Lydia to travel to Dale, and she would stay there.  In fact, I could see her having a nice future there!" said Gandalf.  "Alright then. So should one of us tell Lydia about this idea?" asked Radagast.  "Actually Radagast, you go speak to Charmaine, and you just leave Lydia with me!" said Gandalf.   Radagast nodded, as he stood up and left the room as he went to track down Charmaine. Meanwhile,  Gandalf found Lydia in the dining room eating breakfast, as he sat down and spoke to Lydia about his and Radagast's plans.  Even Lydia thought it was a great idea--Lydia wanted to leave the place anyway because she was tired of the constant bickering with her sister.  "So does that mean I can leave anytime?" Lydia asked.  "You can leave anytime you like!" said Gandalf, smiling at Lydia.  "Oh good! I've been waiting for this day forever! Thank you, Gandalf!" beamed Lydia with excitement.   In fact, Lydia wanted to leave this very night, as she couldn't wait to get out of there. 

 After saying her farewells to both wizards, she grabbed her belongings, as Lydia begins her journey to the City of Dale. 


City of Dale                                                                                                                                                                         Summer, 2764

 Several years had passed, since Lydia had taken up residence in Dale, by working as a barmaid in a local Inn and Pub, not only that she also lived in the Inn as well.    Lydia already made a lot  of friends there, especially with the patrons who came in regularly.    It was that same evening, as she was working, she overheard some of the patrons discussing about the festival that is coming up this weekend.  Suddenly one of the patrons, whom is a dwarf approached her.  "Lydia! Are you going to be attending the festival this weekend?" asked the dwarf.  "Why of course, Dwalin!" said Lydia smiling at the brown haired dwarf with a mohawk.  "You're not attending alone, are ye, lass?" teased the Dwarf. "Brother! Stop it! You already have a woman whom you're taking to the festival! You must excuse my brother, Lydia--he has way too much to drink!" said another dwarf, with a forked beard.  Lydia laughed. "That's okay, Balin.  I knew he was drunk anyway!" said Lydia as she served some drinks to the dwarves. 

  "Where is your friend? You said you were going to meet a friend here this evening?" Lydia asked Balin. "He's running late as usual--it's because he's been very busy lately, getting ready for the festival.  His Grandfather is going to be speaking at the opening ceremonies!" said Balin.   Suddenly, no soon as Balin spoken about that, a royal looking dwarf enters the room.  Lydia gasped,  as she gazed upon the dwarf--she found him quite handsome.  He had long raven hair, that reached passed his shoulders, and neatly braided, his blue eyes sparkled, and he sported  short beard.  As for his clothes, he is dressed in  dark blue tunic, with a white undershirt, underneath.   Balin stood up, as the dwarf entered.  "Thorin, it's about time you arrived! We've been waiting for you for an hour!" said Balin.  "Sorry for the hold up, Balin! I got into an argument with Grandfather again." said the Dwarf Prince, as he sat down at the table.  

 "Why have you two been fighting? It's not over the marriage ordeal is it?" asked Dwalin.  "Well, that, and Grandfather's been wanting to hire an assistant to help me in my room.  He claims I'm too lazy to clean my room, so he wants to hire someone to help me out." said Thorin.  "Thorin, you should accept the fact on hiring someone to help you--besides that you've been busy lately with your duties as Prince!" said Balin.   Lydia gasped when she overheard that Balin's friend is  Dwarf Prince.  Lydia approaches the table.   "I don't mean to interrupt, but I was wondering if anyone of you need a refill?" asked Lydia.   "Why of course, I'll have another fill, and so is my brother!" said Balin.  "Balin, you didn't tell me that your friend is a prince!" Lydia whispered to the dwarf.  "Oh my apologies, Miss Lydia, allow me introduce you to Prince Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain! Thorin, this is our friend Lydia Silverbeard, whom we known for several years!" said Balin.  

 Lydia smiled at the dwarf.  "It's a honor to meet you, Your Highness!" said Lydia, with a curtsy.  "It's a honor to meet you too! But I thought the Silverbeard clan died years ago from the Orc raids? Legend has it that they had two daughters whom supposed to have survive the event." said Thorin.  "Actually, the legend is true, your Highness.  I am the daughter of Lord Farin and Lady Elspeth Firebeard!" said Lydia, smiling at the dwarf Prince.  "But you're a princess! Why would a princess would work in a place like this?" asked Thorin.  "Now, Thorin, don't be rude!" said Balin.  "It's okay, Balin! He was only asking a simple question which I Have an answer too.  I feel that I'm no longer a princess since my parents are long since gone." said Lydia.  "It doesn't matter,   Lydia.  Although your parents are gone, there is noble blood still ruin in your veins! How about this? Tonight, you shall join us into returning to Erebor, and we will meet with my Grandfather! You're of noble blood, and you deserve a better place than this!" said the Dwarf Prince.  

 Lydia didn't know what to say about this.  Balin gave Thorin a side glance. "Maybe you can hire her as your assistant as well, lad!" said the dwarf, and he winked at him. "Will you join us in going to Erebor?" asked Thorin.  "I would love to join you!! I've beard stories of the Dwarven Kingdom, and it's a dream come true for me to see it!" beamed Lydia with excitement.    And so later that night, Lydia joins Balin, Dwalin and Thorin as she followed them to the Lonely Mountain, to meet with King Thror. 


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