Chapter Twelve

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 Five hours later, early evening came, as the Company set up camp.   Lydia decided to sit alone away from the Company, and it was Lydia's isolation that cause everyone in the Company to worry, including Bilbo and Gandalf. Bilbo approaches Lydia and he sat down next to her, as Lydia fiddled with her necklace she had been wearing.  "Lydia, are you alright?" asked the Hobbit gently. "No. In fact, I wish to take this damn necklace and burn it to pieces." grumbled Lydia.  "Lydia, you wouldn't want to do that! That necklace was given to you." said Bilbo.  "Yes, it was given to me by a selfish, arrogant jerk who's jealous all the time!" snapped Lydia, angrily.  Soon, she noticed the stunned look in Bilbo's eyes, after she had snapped at him.  She didn't mean to, she was just angry and hurt at the way their leader is behaving.  "It's Thorin, isn't it.  I noticed he's been acting jealous every time you talk to me.  If it makes you feel any better, I will tell him myself that you love him very much, and Thorin is the only one you love!" said Bilbo. 

 "Bilbo, for your own safety and sanity, it's wise you leave this issue between me and Thorin! I just don't want to see anything happen to you!" said Lydia.  "And you are right." said Bilbo gloomily.  Balin too noticed the tension between Lydia and Thorin, and the old dwarf decided to fix the tension right away by speaking with Thorin first. "Jealousy is an evil thing, Thorin--and you are wasting away your life as you continue on this jealousy.  If you don't make amends with Lydia right now, you will lose her forever." said Balin.   Thorin remained silent.  "I have nothing to say to that two-faced little whore." grumbled Thorin.  "Thorin Oakenshield, so help me, that's the last thing I expected to hear from you! If I hear you call Lydia that again,  I will personally knock your lights out myself!!" barked Balin, angrily.  Thorin looked in surprise at Balin, who just yelled at him.  And this was the first time in many years his friend ever became angry and yelled at him. 

 "Lad, you two went through so much together--you had your ups and downs--and in spite all that you still love each other, as I know Lydia loves you more than anything! It wouldn't hurt Lydia to be friends with the hobbit, and look at Fili and Kili! They're already friends with him! There is nothing for you to worry about, they are only friends-- let them be friends! Lydia always had a place in her heart for you! And that is something for you to think about!" said Balin, and he walked away, leaving Thorin alone deep in his thoughts.   Balin is right! What am I doing? And what am I doing to her? All I'm doing now is causing her more hurt! I have to fix this before this gets even more worse! thought Thorin.   And so Thorin came up with a way, of making amends with Lydia.    As the night progressed, it was Thorin's turn to take up first watch.  "Ori! Come here for a minute!" Thorin called out to the young dwarf. 

 Ori came forward. "Yes, Thorin?" asked the young dwarf. "You wouldn't mind if I borrowed some paper and quill? There is something I need to do." said the dwarf.  Ori grinned. "Why of course! What is this you have to do?" asked Ori.  "I'm writing a note to Lydia, and you will be the one to give it to her." said Thorin, with a smirk.  Ori sighed, as he rolled his eyes, handing over the quill and parchment to the Dwarf Leader.  How did I end up getting talked into this?  thought Ori.  And so Thorin took the parchment and quill, and he sat down and began writing his note to Lydia:

 Dearest Lydia,

   Meet me in the wooded clearing at midnight tonight.  I will be taking first watch, and I wish for you to join me, so we can talk. 

Sincerely, T.O.

  After writing the letter, the dwarf sealed it and hands the letter over to Ori.   After that, Thorin stood up, and he grabbed his sword, a wooden case (with his harp inside it), and his cloak, as he entered the woods to find the clearing where he would take up his duty on watch.  


 Ori shortly walked over to Lydia.   "Hey Lydia!" beamed Ori.  "Well hello there, Ori! What may I help you with?" asked Lydia.  "Oh, Thorin gave this to me, to give to you. He written you a note! It maybe a love note!" said Ori, grinning, and his face blushed.  "It's not a love note, Ori! Thorin is still pissed off at me.  And besides that, there are probably angry words in that note." said Lydia.  "Lydia, you shouldn't be assuming those are angry words--just read the note!" said Ori.   Lydia sighed.  "You are right, Ori! I'll read the note! And thank you by the way!" said Lydia.  "You're welcome, Miss Lydia!" said Ori, as he walked away.  Lydia took the note and opened it up and read it.    "Great! He's going to yell at me so more, most likely!" grumbled Lydia loudly.   But then she knew she had to meet with him like he said he wanted her to do in the letter. 

  It was shortly passed midnight,when Lydia stood up and she made her way towards the clearing where Thorin had stayed for his duties on watch.  By the time she drew near the clearing, she could hear harp music and soft singing in the distance.   Lydia didn't know whether to laugh or curse at the dwarf for hearing it.  Maybe he's feeling sorry for himself, I'm not going to have that, either!  thought Lydia.  As Lydia entered the clearing, she could see Thorin sitting on a large boulder, gently plucking and strumming his harp, and singing softly in his native tongue, and she could understand what he is singing.  He was singing about her! Thorin felt her presence in the clearing, and he looked up and smiled sadly and guiltily at her, as he sang and played.  And Lydia could feel a lump in her throat, as she looked at him.  Lydia slowly approaches the boulder as she sat beside him and listened. 

  She could tell in his eyes, and by the way he is singing--that he felt sorry for what he had done to her. And she took notice that he had tears in his eyes as he sang and played.  "I nearly lost you once, I am not going to lose you again--Lydia--my jewel--forgive me!"   sang Thorin, as he ended his song with a final strike on the harp strings.   With the song ended, Thorin looked at Lydia.  "Thorin--did you just make that song up about me?" gasped Lydia, her eyes widened in surprise.  Thorin smiled sadly and nodded.  "Lydia,  I've been a fool--a bloody fool for the way I've been acting towards you.  It was childish, and no reason for it--I know deep in your heart you love me, as I love you!" said Thorin, as he stood up, placing his harp back in it's case, and he sat down beside her, as he gently took Lydia's hands. 

  "Forgive me, ghizmel!" Thorin whispered, as he placed his hand on Lydia's face.   Lydia smiled back, as she squeezed Thorin's hands gently. "You have my forgiveness, Thorin!" said Lydia.  Thorin soon pulled Lydia into his arms, holding her close to his broad chest.  Lydia rests her head on the dwarf's chest, as she began kissing the center of his left chest, and gently caressing it.  "For now on, I'm not going to allow jealousy come between us again!" spoke up Thorin.  "It better not, or Balin is going to punch you in the nose!" said Lydia, playfully.  Thorin laughed.  "You heard that?" said the Dwarf Leader. "Yes, I over heard Balin talking to you earlier, and I couldn't help but laugh! That's the first time I ever seen him red in anger! He turned red as the color his coat!" chuckled Lydia.  

  "Well I thought there for a minute that he really was going to punch me in the nose! He had his fists clenched and ready to go!" said Thorin.  "You know Dwalin would have loved to seen that!" said Lydia, grinning.  "Dwalin would had never let it down either!" chuckled Thorin, as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. "I love you, Lydia!" Thorin whispered to her.  "I love you too, Thorin!" Lydia whispered back, and the two of them began to kiss passionately.    Time had passed by quickly, as Thorin and Lydia had been remaining like that for some time, not paying any attention of Balin and Dwalin approaching the clearing as it was soon to be their turn on watch.  Suddenly, Dwalin bursts into laughter, as Balin smiled.  "Of course, we had to walk in on them kissing! KISSING!" guffawed the Bald Dwarf. 

 The dwarf's laughter echoed throughout the area, and it caught the attention of Thorin and Lydia, who quickly broke their embrace.  "Oh hello, Dwalin and Balin! We didn't see you coming!" said Lydia quickly,  as she blushed.  "Your watch is ended, we can take over now, you two lovebirds!" teased Balin.  "It looked like our lad here was about to chew her up and spit her out!" laughed Dwalin. "DWALIN!" boomed Thorin.  "Oh Thorin lighten up! Yer know I was only kiddin' with yer!" said Dwalin, as he patted his friend on the shoulder. 

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