Chapter Fifteen

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Author's Note:  Warning: Sexual content in this chapter! 

And so the dinner went successfully, as Lydia sat and listened to the conversation between Gandalf and Elrond discussing Gandalf's and Thorin's weapons.  After a little while, Thorin was feeling quite bored from the conversation as he stood up, and excused himself. "Care to join me, imur?" asked Thorin.  "Why, of course!" said Lydia, and she stood up and walked away from the table with Thorin, as they went and sat closer with the Company.  Thorin took out his flask and drank it. "What's in that?"Lydia asked.  "Rum!" said Thorin, smiling at Lydia.  "You don't mind if I have a swig?" asked Lydia.  "I don't mind at all!" said Thorin, as he handed over the flask to Lydia.  Lydia took a huge swig out of it.  "Woa, slow down there, love! Aren't you going to save some of that for me?" laughed Thorin.  Lydia hiccups. "Oops! Sorry! Here you go!" said Lydia, handing over the flask to Thorin.

  The two sat quietly as they listened to the dwarves antics.  Suddenly, they could hear some of the dwarves complaining about the Elves music.  "Change the tune, will ya? It sounds like we're at a funeral!" griped Nori.  "Did somebody die?" piped in Oin.  "Well lads, that leaves us only one thing!" beamed Bofur, as he jumped up onto a pillar centering the Dining Hall.  To Thorin and Lydia's surprise, Bofur began to sing-it was the same song Bilbo and Lydia had sung a while back.  Thorin smiled, as he watched the dwarf dance and sing about on the pillar.  Soon the rest of the dwarves joined in with Bofur.  Lydia turned to Thorin, whom now snatched a lute from one of the elven minstrels and began playing and singing along as he tapped his feet, much to Lydia's amusement. 

And the Dwarves sang:

There is an inn

a merry old inn

Beneath an old grey hil

And there they brew the beer

so brown

The Man in the Moon himself

down, one night to drink his fill

The ostler has a tipsy cat

That plays a five stringed fiddle

And up and down he runs his bow

Now squeaking high, purring low

Now sawing in the middle.

 Lydia found herself dancing to the singing and music as well, and she couldn't help but chuckle at Thorin, after watching him snatching a lute from the elves.  And she was going to remind him of that later.   Once the song ended, the Dwarves began tossing food at each other, just to the annoy the elves.  Lydia decided once and for all to exit the mess, as she decided to go for a stroll alone in the elven palace.     As she walked,  she bumped into Arwen.  "Those dwarves can be very obnoxious!" Arwen remarked.  "I know-but don't mind them, they were only having a little fun-no harm done really.  I just couldn't believe Thorin had snatched the lute out of Naldir's hands!" chuckled Lydia.  "Poor Naldir--now he has to sanitize his instrument!" said Arwen, grinning, and both women laughed.  "But I have to admit its nice to see Lord Thorin laugh-every time I see him, he's always frowning!" said Arwen.  "I am one of the reasons he smiles!" admitted Lydia.  "Yes, I know. He couldn't kept his eyes off of you tonight!" teased Arwen. 

 Two hours later,  Lydia had caught up with the rest of the Company, as she joined them in the room, where they set up a make shift camp.  "Isn't it bad luck to start fires inside a building?" spoke up Lydia playfully to Bofur, Oin and Gloin.  "Actually you mean it's bad luck on opening umbrellas inside a building!" said Kili.  Lydia rolled her eyes. "Where's Thorin, Balin and Bilbo?" asked Lydia.  "They went to speak with Lord Elrond about the map.  They'll be joining us later!" replied Dwalin.   An hour had passed, Balin and Bilbo returned, but Lydia didn't see Thorin.  "Why isn't Thorin with you?" Lydia asked.  "Oh, he needed to walk around a little bit to relax.  You may go and find him if you like!" Balin replied.  Lydia nodded, as she left the room to track down Thorin.    As she walked down the long corridors of the palace hall, she could hear harp music coming from one of the rooms.  Lydia found it unusual because elves don't usually play their instruments this late in the hour.  Lydia then approached the room where she heard the harp music coming from. 

 When she entered, she saw it was Thorin, whom was sitting alone in the room playing on a large golden harp, and singing softly to himself.  Lydia smiled, as she stood there and watched. 


  Lydia could feel her heart beating rapidly the more she watched him.  She found the dwarf quite desirable in this state, and she couldn't help but looking him up and down, beginning from his facial features, down to his chest, and to his large fingers plucking and strumming skillfully upon the harp strings. Suddenly, Thorin quickly stopped playing and singing when he noticed Lydia standing there and watching him. "There you are---I was looking all over for you!" said Lydia, as she approached the Dwarf Leader.  "I've been wanting to touch this harp all evening-it's a beautiful harp!" said Thorin smiling at Lydia. "Friendly reminder, Thorin, that's an elvish harp!" teased Lydia.  Thorin rolled his eyes. "Noh, really, you think, Lydia? I knew that!" shot back Thorin, as he pulled the harp away from him.   Lydia approaches  the dwarf,  as she places her hand on Thorin's shoulder.  Thorin could feel Lydia's hands trembling. Thorin looked up at Lydia with a concerned expression. "Li, are you alright?" asked Thorin gently.

 "Thorin, I--I" stammered Lydia.  She couldn't find the right words of telling Thorin, that she wanted him.  "Thorin, hold me!" Lydia finally said to Thorin, in a whisper.  Thorin smiled, as he pulled Lydia onto his lap, as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to his chest.   Suddenly, out of the blue, Lydia planted her lips on Thorin's kissing him deeply and passionately.   When the kiss broke, Thorin smiled.  "I am sensing that you are desiring for me!" said Thorin, with a smirk. "Yes." said Lydia softly, as she ran his fingers through his hair.  Suddenly, Thorin stood up and to Lydia's surprise, Thorin lifted her up in his arms. "What are you doing?" asked Lydia.  "I'm going to arrange something for the two of us!" Thorin purred. "Oh?" said Lydia, as Thorin carried her bridal style down the corridors of the palace.  Soon they came to a guest bedroom, and they entered, as Thorin kicked the door shut, and he gently placed Lydia down on the bed.  Lydia removed her clothing, and placing them on the floor, as she watched Thorin undress. And this was the first time, she saw Thorin without any clothes on, and she gasped when she saw his back and shoulders, as his back faced her. 

  Suddenly, now completely naked, Thorin turned to Lydia, as he climbed into bed with Lydia. Thorin pulled Lydia into his arms, and she could feel Thorin's heavy broad chest pressing against her average sized breasts, as Thorin planted his lips over hers kissing her passionately, as Lydia began taking her hand, as she first began caressing his chest, and then down to his belly button.  Soon she had reached his genitals, as she began taking it and massaging his penis, first slowly, and then, she began moving quickly, as Thorin moaned in pleasure.  "Do you wish for me to lay on my back!" Thorin whispered to Lydia. "Yes!" Lydia replied.  Soon, Thorin turned, where he is now laying on his back, as Lydia climbed on top of the Dwarf sitting on him, as if he was a pony.  Lydia soon leaned over as she placed her mouth on his penis, as she moved up and down slowly.  "Don't stop, Lydia! Don't stop!" groaned Thorin. Lydia continued doing so for thirty more minutes. After that, it was Thorin's turn to give in the pleasure in their intimacy, as Lydia laid on her back, as Thorin climbed on top of her, as he slowly pushed into her, as he moved up and down her slowly at first, and then rapidly. 

 Thorin shortly placed his large hands on her breasts, massaging them gently.  "I love you, imur! I love you my jewel!" Thorin whispered,Lydia moaned in pleasure, as they continued to make love most of the night.  Soon, as the two of them became exhausted, Thorin laid back down, as he held Lydia close to his chest. Lydia lays her head gently on Thorin's broad chest and closed his eyes. "I've been longing to do this---the many times we've been together, I've wanted to, but we never got a chance to!" said Lydia.  "And I'm glad we did, love! I really enjoyed it! Now its time for the two of us to sleep!" purred Thorin, as he kissed Lydia on the check.  As Lydia closed her eyes, Thorin began to hum the same melody he had played on the harp minutes earlier,as he gently ran his fingers through her hair.  And it didn't take long for the two of them to fall into a peaceful slumber. 

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