Chapter Nine

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It didn't take long for Thorin to find Lydia's room, and he knocked on the door. "Who is it?" The familiar female voice called out form behind the door. "It's me, Lydia! Thorin! May I come in?" the Dwarf leader called back. Suddenly the door quickly opened , as Thorin could see Lydia standing in front of him. At first, the two stood in silence. "I am not going to yell at you, and I'm not going to get angry, but would you mind telling me what in the hell were you thinking for leaving us like you did?" asked Thorin, calmly. "Thorin, I'm sorry--so very sorry, it's just that my sister had been torturing me again through my thoughts, and I had to do something about it!" said Lydia. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? I would've helped you!" said Thorin, gently, as he guided Lydia over to her bed, and the two of them sat down. "Thorin, it's a very complicated situation. A situation you don't understand." said Lydia. "Lydia, you've been through this before in regards of that witch of a sister of yours, and I hate to see you hurting like this, to be tortured." said Thorin.

"That's why I left, Thorin--I had to do something about it." said Lydia. "Does going to the elves and having them erase your memory solve anything?" said Thorin. "No--and how did you know about that?" said Lydia. "Gandalf told me." Thorin replied. Damn it, Gandalf--you had just had to go open your big mouth! thought Lydia. "Lydia, you had no idea how worried I felt after you left--I hardly slept, or even ate--and you even have everyone else worried." said Thorin gently, as he took her hands gently. "Thorin, you know I never meant to give all of you a scare--it was just something I just had to take care of! I love you Thorin, a lot---it was just something I needed to take control of before it got even worse! I hope you understand that." said Lydia. "I do understand, imur! Every night, for the past several years, I missed you terribly, and each moment of my day I think of you constantly!" said Thorin, as he gently brushed his thumb on Lydia's cheek.

And the two of them sat in silence, as Thorin held Lydia in his arms, holding her close to his broad chest. Soon, it was Thorin whom broke the silence. "You know we got a lot of catching up to do. And by the way, the dark hair color suits you! I like it better than the red!" said Thorin. Lydia chuckled. "So I take it you want me to keep my hair like this?" said Lydia. "Yes, do not change it please! Now tell me about you? And the quest? Where are you going?" asked Lydia. "We're going to reclaim our homeland of Erebor, Lydia! We're going to get our old home back!" said Thorin, proudly. "Thorin, isn't that a bit risky? I hope you know there's a dragon still sleeping in the Mountain!" said Lydia. Thorin snorted. "I figure you would say that! Yes, we know there is a dragon in there--that's why Gandalf suggested on bringing along a hired burglar--whom we will meet in two days time." said Thorin.

"Burglar? Why would you hire a burglar?" asked Lydia. "So the dragon wouldn't have to smell the scent of dwarf--he is wanting to take a Halfling with us." Thorin replied. "A Hobbit? I hope Gandalf knows what he's doing? Hobbit's aren't really skilled fighters, unless they are the Tooks and the Brandybucks!" said Lydia. "I see you've been hanging around with hobbits!" Thorin teased. "Yes, I've been befriending some hobbits or two during my stay here." said Lydia, smiling at her beloved. "So, does it mean I'm going with you to Erebor?" asked Lydia. "Of course, my love--I've been wanting you to come with me!" whispered Thorin, as he gently placed his lips over hers, kissing her passionately. Once the kiss broke, Thorin looked at her. "Now you get some rest, as we're going to be leaving to the Shire at sunrise. " said Thorin gently. "See you tomorrow morning, love!" said Lydia. "See you tomorrow morning!" said Thorin, and he left Lydia's chamber.


The next morning, Lydia woke up and she quickly got dressed, feeling very excited about joining Thorin and the dwarves on their quest, not to mention she couldn't wait to meet the rest of the Company, especially Balin and Dwalin whom she hadn't seen in a very, very long time. Once Lydia got dressed, she grabbed her belongings and she went to meet with Thorin and the rest of the Dwarves. Soon as she stepped outside the Inn, Lydia instantly recognized quite a few of the dwarves, and two whom being Balin and Dwalin. "Thorin, would you mind telling me who this is?" called out Dwalin. That figures, they haven't recognized me because of my new hair color, thought Lydia. "That is Lydia, Dwalin! It's a long story which one of us will tell you later!"Thorin replied. "Lydia, is that really you, lass? What have you done to your hair?!" exclaimed Gloin. "I colored it, Master Gloin. It's a long story, which I will share later! My goodness, Master Fili! You have grown!" exclaimed Lydia as she turned her attention to the young dwarf prince. "And I got a brother too! You didn't know I have brother, did ya?" said Fili.

"No, I didn't know! I've been away so long, so I have no idea what everyone is up to these days!" said Lydia. "Well ride us with us, lass! We have a lot of catching up to do!" beamed Dwalin. It was Lydia who took notice that Thorin wasn't going to ride with them. "Where's Thorin going?" asked Lydia. "He's going to a meeting in the Iron Hills. He will join us later." said Balin. And so they begin their journey to the Shire, and as they rode, Balin told Lydia everything that happened after Lydia had left. "You know, Lydia, after you left, Thorin hardly slept a wink, as he felt worried about you! We didn't understand your intentions on why you left. Why did you leave?" said Balin. "It was because I needed to take care of some personal business, in which I did!" Lydia replied. By nightfall, the Company arrived in the Shire, and it was Lydia and Dwalin whom approached the Hobbit's door first, as Dwalin began to knock on the door. Lydia could hear a voice grumble behind the door. "I'm hoping it's Gandalf!" the voice grumbled.

Suddenly, the door opened up, and Lydia could see Bilbo Baggins, standing dressed in his dressing robe, looking very confused. "Dwalin, son of Fundin at your service!" said Dwalin with a bow. "Lydia Silverbeard, daughter of Lord Farin, at your service!" said Lydia. "Bilbo Baggins at yours, and your families!" said Bilbo, as Dwalin entered the Hobbit's home, followed by Lydia. "Excuse me? Do I know you?" asked the Hobbit. "No." said Dwalin, as he hung up his cloak, followed by Lydia. "Well where is it?" asked Dwalin. "Where's what?" said Bilbo. "Supper, of course!" Dwalin replied. "Oh! Follow me!" said Bilbo, as the dwarves followed Bilbo into the Dining room. "Nice home you have here, Mister Baggins!" Lydia said to the Hobbit. Bilbo smiled at Lydia. "Thank you--this is the first time-I have seen a dwarf female--I thought they are rare!" stammered Bilbo, as he blushed. Dwalin snorted. "She's one of a kind!" grumbled Dwalin. "Thanks a lot! The means a whole lot coming from you!" shot back, Lydia playfully. Suddenly, the door bell rang. "That will be the door!" grumbled Dwalin.

And he went to answer the door, which was Balin, whom came in next. Lydia just sat there as she waited for the rest of the Company to arrive. And it wasn't long that everyone had arrived, crowding up Bilbo's dining room, including Gandalf. Lydia felt bad for the Hobbit, as she could tell the Hobbit was feeling overwhelmed and flustered. "Here, allow me to help you! You just sit and rest, Mister Baggins! I got it from here!" said Lydia. "Thank you, Miss Lydia." said Bilbo, as the Hobbit went and sat down. And so Lydia went to fix the rest of the feast for the rest of the dwarves: much to the Company's delight. "Alright! Our Lydia is going to cook! I always loved her cooking!" beamed Gloin. Once supper is ready, the Company ate, and Lydia managed to get something left over for herself, Bilbo and Thorin. Lydia had told the dwarves they owed Bilbo some food. "Lassie, we will send you and Thorin to the market, tomorow morning to restock Mister Baggin's pantry." said Balin. "Sounds like a plan to me." said Lydia.

Once everyone finished eating, it was cleaning up time. Bilbo began shouting at the dwarves, about throwing around his dishes and silverware. "NO! Not the knives! You'll blunt them!" cried out the Hobbit. "Did you hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives!" exclaimed Bofur, cheerfully. Suddenly, Kili and Fili leads the dwarves into a lively song:


Blunt the knives,bend the forks!


Smash the bottles and burn the corks!


That's What Bilbo Baggins hates!

Cut the cloth and tread on the fat

Pour the milk on the pantry floor!

Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!

Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowel;

Pound them up with a thumping pole;

And when you're finished, they are whole

Send them down the hall to roll!

That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!

Lydia rolled her eyes as she watched the Dwarves making merry with the dishes, and singing. She felt amazing however, how they would do that, without breaking a single dish. She had thought of asking the dwarves that later on. Suddenly, they heard a knock at Bilbo's Front door. "He's here!" said Gandalf. Lydia smiled. She already know that mean Thorin had arrived. They didn't have to stop singing just because Thorin is here, thought Lydia.

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