Chapter Fourteen

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Balin had went to talk to Thorin about Thorin's behavior towards Lydia, but Thorin kept getting angry and brushed the old dwarf off.  The final time, Thorin yelled at Balin.  "She should have never came anyway! She should have stayed in Rivendell with the ELVES!" fumed Thorin, loudly.  Lydia could hear those words, and it upsetted her tremendously.  That doe sit, I'm out of here! If he wishes for me to stay in Rivendell, that's where I'm going to be headed now,  Lydia thought furiously as she stood up, and grabbed her belongings, and she left, fortunately without getting noticed by the rest of the Company.   Lydia began her long journey on her own to Rivendell, however she hated having to leave the Company without telling them--it was just she felt so upset about Thorin's actions towards her, and that she wasn't in the state of mind right now, and she decided to leave to Rivendell and stay there, as Thorin had wished her to. 

  Days had went by,  as Lydia traveled, she suddenly began to feel tired, very tired--and she first felt hot, and then cold, and her body feeling weak.  She could feel beads of sweat falling down from her forehead.  Suddenly she began coughing and sneezing, and she threw up several times.    After that, the last thing she remembered, she blacked out.   Two more days later,  Lydia realized she is now lying in a large soft bed, and she could  hear voices speaking.  Lydia recognized one of the voices belonging to Gandalf, and the other belonged to Elrond.  "She's sick? For how long?!" exclaimed Gandalf.  "For three days--she was deathly ill when she arrived her--she became severely feverish, when we brought her into the Healing chambers.  

  "She's dying, Gandalf---she had been out in the wild too long with this!" said Elrond, gravely. "Dying?! No! Is there something you can do to help her?!"  exclaimed Gandalf.   "I will do my best to keep her alive, Gandalf--but I cannot guarantee you anything!" said Elrond.  Gandalf nodded, as he left the room.  I'm dying!? No, how can it be?!  Lydia's mind reeled.    

Thorin's POV:

   I was sitting in the Dining Hall, when I looked around the area for any signs of Lydia, because I had a feeling she came here after she took off from us--when she left, it broken me--as tons of guilt clouded over me after the way I treated her--I treated her horribly.  And I know now, she would never forgive me for this. Suddenly,  Gandalf enters the Dining Room with a grave expression, and the my heart froze when the wizard told us that Lydia is indeed here, but very deathly ill.  I closed my eyes. Great Mahal no-she cannot die on us now-we need her! I need her!  My mind reeled in panic.  "Elrond is going to do whatever he can to keep her in good health, but he isn't guaranteeing anything." said Gandalf.  "When will I see her? I have to see her, Gandalf!" I said.  "I'm afraid you will have to wait for a little bit to see her, Thorin." said Gandalf. 

  "But I want to see her now!!" I demanded, angrily.  "Thorin, you will see her in due time--in the meantime, you sit and eat your supper." said Gandalf, firmly.   My heart  ached.  I felt like a total fool for treating her the way I did before our encounter with the trolls.  But I knew also Lydia is stubborn, very stubborn, as she had worn no coat or cloak the day it rained, which is the reason why she is sick now.   "Don't worry, laddie--she will make it-she is a strong lass, I have faith in her!" said Balin, as he comforted me.  "Thank you, Balin!" I said, quietly, bowing my head in my hands.  


No One's POV:

Hours later...

 Lydia woke up, as she realized her fever had broke, and she gained a little strength in where she could now sit up in the bed.  Suddenly she heard the door of the room open, and in came Elrond, and two other healers as they came in to check on her. "Lydia! You're awake! How are you feeling?" exclaimed the Elf Lord.  "I'm feeling a little better, still feeling weak though."  Lydia replied.  "You have gained your color back, the fever is broken! Thank the Valar!" exclaimed Elrond.  "Where is the others? I thought I heard Gandalf earlier--is Gandalf and the Company here?" asked Lydia.  "Yes, they are here, Lydia--do you wish to speak to Gandalf?" said Elrond.  "Actually I wish to speak with Balin, son of Fundin!" Lydia replied. "Very well, I will send him in!" said Elrond, as he and the elves left the Healing chambers.   Elrond entered the dining hall, his eyes turned his attention to Balin.  "Balin, son of Fundin? Lydia has awakened, and she wishes to speak to you!" said Elrond.  "Why wouldn't she speak to me?" spoke up Thorin. 

  Balin looked at Thorin.  "I wouldn't blame her one bit for not wanting to speak to you, Thorin, after what you've done to her!" said Balin.  "Balin, let me go with you! I have to see her!" pleaded Thorin.  "Alright, just do me a favor, and go easy on her! If not, I will throw you out of the room myself!" said Balin, firmly.  Thorin nodded, as he followed Balin and an Elf, whom is guiding them to the Healing Chambers.   Once they entered, they could see Lydia sitting up in her bed. "Balin!  Thorin, what are you doing here? I didn't send for you!" said Lydia grumpiliy.  "Lass, give the lad a chance to speak, he has something to say to you! Don't you, Thorin?" said Balin, looking at Thorin.  Thorin approached Lydia's bed. When Thorin looked at her, the dwarf broke down in tears, much to Lydia's shock and surprise.  It stunned Lydia to see Thorin openly break down like this, which she knew was quite rare.  The last time she seen him break down was when he opened up to her the first time about his brother and Grandfather. 

  "Lydia,  I am so, so very sorry!  If are still angry with me, I wouldn't blame you--in fact, you don't even have to talk anymore to me, if you wish! You can even punch me in the nose, if it makes you feel better, Lydia! When  Gandalf told me about you becoming ill, it scared me tremendeously-We all thought we was going to lose you!" said Thorin.  Lydia sighed. "Part of this was my fault too, especially getting sick. I should have listened to you about wearing a coat and a cloak." said Lydia, smiling sheepishly.  "You're about as stubborn as he is, child!" teased Balin.  "How are you feeling now, imur?"  asked Thorin. "Much better, I'm slowly getting my strength back." said Lydia.  Thorin pulled Lydia into his arms, as Lydia rests her head upon Thorin's chest.  "Don't you ever take off on us again like that, Lydia, no matter the circumstances! Do you understand me?" said Thorin, firmly. "I understand, Thorin." said Lydia, softly.  "For now on you will stay and work your problems out together! You would have died out there on your own, lass!" said Balin.  "Will you be able to walk, love?" asked Thorin.  "I don't know! Let me see if I can try!" said Lydia, as she slowly moved her legs to the side of the bed. "Here! Let me help you stand up!" said Thorin, as he walked over towards her, and helped Lydia stand up.

 Lydia slowly walked around the room. "My strength is back!" said Lydia smiling at the dwarves. "Which means you can join us for supper!" said Balin.  "Balin, I cannot go out there looking like I just got ran over by dragons!" said Lydia.  Thorin laughed. "Let me go send for Elrond, see if he can get you a bath arranged for you!" said Thorin.  "Thank you, Thorin!" said Lydia, as she watched Thorin leave the Healing chambers.  Shortly,  Elrond's daughter Arwen enters, as she took Lydia to the bath houses for her bath.   After Lydia had bathed,  Arwen had gave her a dress to put on.  It was a lovely yellow and sky blue gown with gold at the hem.  Lydia smiled, as she swung around as she admired herself in the mirror.  "Thorin is surely going to love me in this dress!" beamed Lydia.  "I take it, that Lord Thorin is your beloved?" said Arwen smiling at the dwarf princess. "Yes, he is. We've been courting for years." Lydia replied.  "I'm surprised he hasn't asked you to marry him yet." said Arwen. "We're going to cross that bridge when we get to it, Arwen!" said Lydia, and both women laughed. 

  After that, Lydia walked out to the Dining Hall, as all eyes turned to her as she entered. "LYDIA! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" cried out Fili and Kili together, as they ran towards her. "Oh  you two, turds! I had a feeling you would bombard me when I came out here!" laughed Lydia. "You look very---pretty!" beamed Kili.  "Thank you, Kee!" said Lydia, as she walked over to where Gandalf, Elrond and Thorin are sitting.  Thorin stood up and smiled at her, as he took her hands placing them to his chest, and kissing her wrists. "You look beautiful, armalime!" whispered Thorin.  Lydia blushed.  "Thank you, Thorin!" said Lydia, as she sat down, and Thorin sat next to her.   

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