Chapter Twenty-Three

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  Lydia ignored the Dragon's taunts, as she swung her tail at Smaug,sending the Dragon towards the area where Bard is standing.  "Now's your chance, Bard! SHOOT!!" cried out Fili.  Bard took up the black arrow, and fired the arrow, as it struck Smaug in the hallow area of the dragon's breast.  Smaug roared in pain, and soon, he took his claw, and gave Lydia a final blow across her back, sending her down into the lake.  "LYDIA!!" cried out Fili. Not long after that, Smaug fell into the lake, now dead.  Fili quickly climbed down from the Watch tower, as he ran towards the pier where the boat is located with the others inside.  "Fee, what are you going?" asked Kili, as he noticed that his brother is removing his clothing.  "I'm going to save Lydia!" Fili replied back, and he dove into the water,and he saw Lydia's, now dwarf form, floating above the water. "Lydia! No!" gasped Fili, as he swam towards the unconscious woman, and he grabbed her, as he quickly swam back and climbed into the boat, as Fili held her. 

 "I have to admit that the lass is brave facing the dragon the way she did." said Bofur.  "It was rather foolish, if you ask me! Gandalf warned her about her dragon spell." snorted Kili.  "Hey, if it weren't for Lydia, we would've all be fried!" snapped Fili.  Kili fell silent.  Bofur began to row as they begin their journey to the Lonely Mountain.  "Yer know, I am quite worried of her." spoke up Oin, breaking the silence between them. "Is it because of her injuries?" asked Kili.  "It's not that.  It's her and Thorin I'm worried about.  What happens if Thorin became like his Grandfather with the Gold Sickness? I don't want to see the lass hurt due to it." said Oin.  "Don't worry,  Oin! We're going to keep a close eye on Lydia, and keep her away from Thorin as much as possible, until he's well enough to be with her." said Kili.    It didn't take them long until they reached the Mountain.   

  The Dwarves quickly ran towards the Mountain, and soon entered the Front Gate.  By the time they entered, they could see Bilbo run towards them. "You! All of you! We have to get out of here!" panted the Hobbit.  "Why?" asked Fili.  "It's Thorin! He hasn't been himself lately! He hasn't eaten or drank anything in days! And he's locked himself away in the Treasury, and would snap at all of us for no reason at all!" said Bilbo.  Fili and Kili exchanged looks.  Suddenly, they could hear murmuring in the Treasury, as they followed Bilbo into the Treasury, and they looked below, and they could see Thorin, now dressed in his dark blue kingly robes, leather tunic and chain mail.  "Gold--beyond doubt, beyond measure.." whispered Thorin.  Fili gulped. "No!" said Fili, softly.  Thorin felt the presence of the dwarves, and he looked up at them.  "Behold--The Treasure of Thror!" smirked Thorin.  "I'm glad Lydia isn't awake to see this." grumbled Bofur.  

  "Welcome my sister-sons! To Erebor!" exclaimed Thorin, his voice echoing throughout the hall, and he picked up a ruby, and he tossed it into the air, and * Kili caught it.  "Come, we need to get Lydia to the Healing Chambers, right away!" said Oin.  The Dwarf Princes nodded, and they left the Treasury. 


 Two hours later..

   Balin approached the Healing chambers, and knocked on the door.  "Come on in!" Balin could hear Oin's voice call out.   Balin entered, and he could see Oin sitting in his chair, and Lydia awake. Balin smiled at Lydia. "How are you feeling, lass?" asked Balin gently.  "A little better, sore, but a little better! Where is Thorin? I wish to speak to him." said Lydia.  Balin's face turned grave, when Lydia asked for Thorin.  "Lassie, I don't know how to tell you this, but he's not doing so well what now.  In fact, he hasn't been himself since he arrived here, and it's best we've keep you away from him for a while---and not just that--!" began Balin.  "Not just that what?" said Lydia.  "He's angry at you because you faced Smaug alone." concluded the older dwarf.  "Excuse me? How can he be angry at me?! I saved all of your asses! If it weren't for me, the damn dragon still would be here!!" shouted Lydia angrily.  

 "Lydia, I know--I felt angry to when Thorin had spoken those words, and there is nothing we can do about it now." said Balin sadly.  Maybe once I heal, I could try and talk some sense into Thorin,  thought Lydia. Several hours later,  Lydia felt restless.  She could not hold back anymore, she really needed to see Thorin, no matter what the risks.   And so she climbed out of bed, and she got dressed.  After that, she strolled down the long corridors of Erebor,  and she finally reached the Treasury and entered.    She could hear Thorin barking orders at the Company demanding them to find the missing Arkenstone.  When the Dwarves saw Lydia enter the treasury, Dwalin approached her. "Lydia,what are you doing up? Aren't you supposed to be resting?" asked the bald dwarf, sharply. "I want to speak to Thorin, Dwalin!" said Lydia.  "Lydia, go back to your room! This isn't a good time for you to talk to him!" said Balin, firmly.

 "I'm sorry, Balin! But I really need to speak to him! I miss him terribly!" said Lydia.  "Lydia, for your own good and safety, go back to your room and rest!" said Gloin.  "It's alright. She can speak to me! Because I have some words for her!" said Thorin darkly.  Balin closed his eyes.  "Well you better not lay a hand on her!" snapped Dwalin.  "Go on up there, lass and talk to him! Just be careful! Don't worry, we're right here, and we got your back!" Balin whispered.  Lydia nodded, as she climbed the long flight of stairs that lead up to the balcony where Thorin is standing.   As Lydia approached the balcony,  fear came over her as she saw the crazed and angered look in Thorin's eyes.  "YOU! What were you thinking?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND, WOMAN?!! Facing Smaug by yourself!! You would have gotten yourself killed!!" bellowed Thorin.  Lydia became angry hearing this--she didn't receive a thank you or a congratulations from Thorin at all.  All she had gotten was anger and rage, and it angered and hurt her tremendeously. 

  "Now you listen here, pal! If it weren't for me, that sand blasted Dragon would have still be in here! What in the hell do you expect me to do, Thorin! Sit on my ass?!" Lydia shouted back.  "I knew I should I have never let you join our quest! I should have fed you to the ORCS!!" yelled Thorin.  Lydia's eyes widened in shock and hurt as she heard the harsh words coming from Thorin. "Thorin, what is gotten into you? This isn't the Thorin I know, the Thorin I love!! What happened to the Thorin I love?!!" screamed Lydia, as tears fell down her face.  "The man you love no longer exists! As far as I'm concern, The King has no lover! Be gone, or I will rip your throat to shreds!" said Thorin, coldly.  "No! You really don't mean that!!" shrieked Lydia.  "I MEAN IT! Leave my kingdom and don't come back! HALF BLOOD!!" shouted Thorin.  "You bastard! I cannot believe you just went there!" hissed Lydia, icily.  "That does it, you little bitch!!" screamed Thorin, when suddenly he charged at her, picking her up by the throat and pinning her to a wall.  Lydia screamed in pain. 

 "THORIN NO! PUT HER DOWN!!" shouted Balin and Dwalin together.  Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Gloin, Fili and Kili all ran up as together they pulled Thorin away from Lydia, as Lydia collapsed to the floor unconscious.  Oin quickly ran to her, and examined her.  He looked up at Balin gravely, as tears ran down his face.  "OH no! Oh no!" wept Oin.  "Oin? What's wrong?" asked Dwalin.  "Lydia is not breathing, and---she miscarried.  She is bleeding heavily!" said Oin.  There was a tense silence in the room.  "I'll carry her to the Healing chambers!" said Fili, emotionally, as he picked up Lydia, as he and Oin left the Treasury.  Bilbo also went with them.    Kili then approached his Uncle and punched at him. "You! You miserable miserable DWARF!! How could you?! Don't you know what you had just done?!!" screamed Kili, tears running down his face. "Kili, this is no time for this! LEAVE ME! ALL OF YOU!" screamed Thorin.  And of course they left.  

  "When will be the best time to tell Thorin of the miscarriage?" Kili asked Balin, as they sat in the private dining hall.  "I would not tell him now, if I were you! Once he gets passed this, we will tell him then." said Balin sadly, his body shaking.  "She's not going to die too, is she?" asked Bofur.  "We don't know, lad.  We don't know!" said Balin. 

**Authors Note:**  In the movie,  Fili had caught the ruby that Thorin had tossed at him, but since Fili is holding an injured Lydia,  I decided to change it to Kili, since his brother is carrying Lydia.   Warning, this Chapter is very dark and filled with angst!

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