Chapter Sixteen

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Time skip

   Going through the Misty Mountains had been pretty rough for the Company, as they battled stone giants, and on top of that dealing with Goblins and their leader, the Great Goblin.  They had just made it out of the Goblin caves, and back out into the open as Gandalf counted everyone to make sure everyone was there and accounted for.  However, there was one person missing:  Bilbo Baggins. "Where's Bilbo?  Where's our hobbit?!" demanded Gandalf.  "Curse the Halfling! The last person who seen him is Dori!" grumbled Gloin.   "Well don't blame me! The last person who actually seen him is Nori!" snapped Dori.   "Well, its true-I last seen him when we first approached the bridge, but he suddenly disappeared!" spoke up Nori. "Face it, our little hobbit is gone! He went home to his books, his armchair by the fire! He is long gone!" spoke up Thorin.  Lydia shot an angry glance at Thorin.  "Bloody fool of a dwarf!" grumbled Lydia.  Thorin turned her her, and glared at her.  Suddenly, to everyone's surprise,the Hobbit stepped out from the trees.  "BILBO!" cried out Lydia, as she ran towards him, giving the hobbit a hug. 

  "Bilbo, I thought we given up on you!" exclaimed Kili.  "How did you get past the goblins?" asked FIli. "It doesn't matter now! Our little hobbit is back!" said Gandalf, with a smile, as he took a puff of his pipe.  "It matters! Why did you come back?" spoke up Thorin.  Soon, Bilbo began speaking his reasons why he came back to the Company, and his words moved the company, and the dwarves (including Thorin) had felt guilty now after the way they've been treating him.   Lydia wiped a tear from her eye. "See, I told you so!" said Lydia to Thorin.  Thorin sighed.  "Once again, you win, imur! Why do you always win?" asked Thorin.  "Because I'm good at it!" Lydia replied.  Bilbo chuckled.  "I would hate to see what it's like playing chess with the two of you!" chuckled the Hobbit.  Thorin looked at the hobbit and grinned.  "Let's just say it will be interesting!" said Thorin.   Suddenly, they could hear howling in the distance.  Lydia froze as she recognized the sounds. "Out of the frying pan!" grumbled Thorin.  "Into the fire! RUN!" cried out Gandalf, as the Company began to run, as an army of orcs mounted on wargs, chasing after them.  "Into the trees! Quick!" Gandalf demanded to the Company. 

  And so the Company climbed into the trees.   As Gandalf, Fili and Kili and Bilbo began throwing pine cones at the orcs,  Lydia froze as she began to hear a familiar voice speaking to her.   A voice she hadn't heard in a long time--a voice that belonged to her sister, Charmaine.  "I see that you found the cowards way out of a battle, dear sister! You know I am with Azog right now, and I can't wait to get my hands on you!" Charmaine spoke to her sister, darkly.  "NO!!" screamed Lydia.  Thorin turned to Lydia. "Lydia, are you alright?" asked Thorin softly.  "Thorin, I think you better look ahead!" said Lydia,fearfully.  Thorin looked ahead, and he could see his old foe, mounted on a white warg, alongside with Charmaine, mounted on a black horse, with many orcs behind them. "Thorin, that-that woman--is my sister!" said Lydia, her voice broken with emotion.  Thorin looked at Lydia in shock and surprise. "Lydia, I'm so sorry--!" began Thorin softly.  "Don't worry, you just leave her to me!" said Lydia.  "Now, Lydia--I really don't think that is very wise!" protested Thorin.  "I have to fight her, THORIN!" shouted Lydia, angrily.  "But she's your sister!" snapped Fili.  "You have to save her,  Lydia! She can be saved!" said Kili.

  "No! She cannot be saved! Damn it! She made her choice to join their side, and she will NOT BACK DOWN!! Now I am going to fight her if you wish it or not!!" Lydia screamed at the Dwarves. Suddenly,  Lydia saw Thorin climbing down from the tree as he slowly made his way towards the Pale Orc.  Shortly afterwards, Lydia followed him, and she stood by the Dwarf's side.   "Behead the King! Kill the others, starting with the woman!"  Azog ordered his orcs.   "No, Azog! You leave my sister, to me! This is our fight now!" broke in Charmaine.   Just as an orc was about to behead Thorin,  Bilbo came charging out from the tree, as not only he killed the orc, but his warg as well.  At the same time, Charmaine and Lydia are already in a battle of their own.  "You stupid little bitch! I hate you! I hate you for the torture you've done to me! I HATE YOU!" Lydia screamed, as she swung her sword, as she sliced off the head of Charmaine.  The Dwarves looked at Lydia in shock and surprise, when they saw her behead her sister. 

  Azog turned and glared angriliy.  "You killed my wife, you stupid little bitch!! As for that, you're going to die next!!" bellowed Azog, as he swung his hammer at Lydia, striking her in the back, as she collapsed to the ground.  "LYDIA NO!!" cried out Fili, as he and the rest of the Company jumped out from the tree, as they battled the orcs.  "Lydia!" Thorin called out softly, and soon the Dwarf fell into unconsciousness.   During the Battle, the Eagles arrived,  as they took everyone in the Company.  One eagle came, and took an unconscious Lydia and Thorin with them.  The Leader of the Eagles, had came to take Gandalf and Bilbo. 


 Shortly, the Eagles landed Lydia and Thorin first on a large rock cliff surface, which is named the Carrock.  Not long after that, they landed the rest of the Company, as Gandalf ran towards them. "Lydia! Thorin!" cried out the wizard as he ran towards them.  "Oin! You see to Lydia! You leave Thorin to me!" Gandalf demanded to Oin.  Oin nodded, as Fili came and carefully lifted Lydia and moved her to another area of the Carrock, while Oin examined her. "She is fine,  just some fractured bones in her back---he didn't hurt her badly. I will see to her injuries right away!" said Oin. Gandalf sighed in relief.  Suddenly, Lydia woke up and she saw Thorin on the ground. "THORIN!" shrieked Lydia.  "Lydia, calm down-Gandalf is taking care of him! Right now you need to relax, you're hurt!" said Oin gently, as he tending to her injuries.  "How badly hurt?" asked Lydia.  "You are lucky lass, that he didn't hurt you far worse--you have some minor fractures in your lower back, and the rest are minor scrapes and bruises! I didn't see how you could survive that." said Oin.  Suddenly, to Lydia's surprise, she could see Thorin slowly standing up, and to her frustration, she saw him yelling at Bilbo. 

  "You! What were you thinking?! You and Lydia would have gotten yourselves killed! Did I not say you're a burden? Did I not say you have no place among us?---I never been so wrong in all my life!" said Thorin emotionally, as to everyone's surprise,  Thorin pulled Bilbo into a tight embrace, that shocked and surprised the Hobbit.   Once they broke the embrace, Thorin looked at the Hobbit.  "I'm sorry I doubted you!" said Thorin quietly.  "I would have doubted  me too! I'm no warrior--nor a hero! I'm not even a burglar!" said Bilbo.   Suddenly something caught the Hobbit's attention as he saw a large mountain looming in the distance.  "Is that what I think it is?" asked Bilbo.  "Erebor! The last of the Great Dwarven Kingdoms of Middle Earth!" Gandalf replied.  "Our home!" said Thorin with a smile on his lips.    "Drat! What is with that bird?" exclaimed Oin, as he saw a bird flying over them, heading towards the Mountain.  "That my dear Oin, is a thrush!" Gandalf replied. "That's a sign of a good omen!" said Thorin.    Bilbo sighed.  "I do believe the worst is behind us!" said Bilbo. Thorin looked around. 

 "Lydia, where is she?" asked Thorin.  "I'm over here, Thorin!" said Lydia.  "What in the hell were you thinking, woman?!! You would've died out there!" snapped Thorin.  "Thorin, that would be necessary! Don't yell at her!" broke in Bilbo.   "Thorin! You don't understand, I had to face my sister!! I had to fight her! If not, she would continue to torture me!! Don't you understand that?!!" Lydia screamed, and she quickly stood up, and marched away, yelping in pain. "Lydia! Be careful! You're injured!!" called out Oin, but Lydia already walked away out of ear shot.  Thorin closed his eyes. "That is no way to treat your loved one who is injured Thorin." Gandalf scorned Thorin.  "I know! I'm going to go talk to her!" said Thorin. 

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