Chapter Eighteen

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Time Skip

Beorn's House.

Gandalf indeed introduced the Company by pairs, beginning with Thorin, Lydia, himself and Bilbo. Once everyone is inside the house and introduced, they gathered around the large dining room table, and watched in amusement as a variety of animals are serving food and drink to them. Lydia couldn't help but laugh at the sight, as she loved animals herself, and she enjoyed playing with them for a little bit. During supper, the Company told them their tale with the Orcs. Once that was done, Lydia told Beorn about herself and her magic, and the killing of her twin sister. "It's very rare for a dwarf to have such powers, especially hearing some of the powers involving skin changing! I'm honored to have you here, Lady Lydia!" said Beorn with a bow. All of sudden, no soon as Lydia had just finished eating her meal, she made a face as she was about to throw up. "Lydia? Are you alright?" exclaimed Thorin, now standing up. "She's about to hurl! Somebody get her a bucket!" cried out Kili. Beorn quickly went for a bucket, and gave it to Lydia, as she began throwing up, as the Company, Gandalf and Bilbo turn their heads as they allowed her to do so. "How long as she been like this? Was this the firs time she thrown up?" asked Beorn.

"No, not exactly. She thrown up like this before, when she was bathing in the lake." Thorin replied. "She needs to be looked at. Once she is done, we need to lay her down so I can look at her." said Oin. Thorin nodded. Once Lydia had finished, Thorin picked up Lydia and carried her into a bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Oin insisted Lydia to left her shirt so he can examine Lydia's belly. First Oin placed his hands on her belly, and then he placed his ear. Oin's eyes widened in shock and surprise. "What is it, Oin?" asked Thorin. "I cannot believe it, I cannot believe this! This is shocking!" gasped Oin. "Oin, will you tell me what you had found?!" demanded Thorin, impatiently. Oin turned to Thorin and smiled. "Thorin, there is nothing wrong with Lydia--however, she is carrying child!" said Oin. "WHAT?!" cried out Lydia and Thorin together. "I thought you told me you had your cycle!" said Thorin, looking at Lydia. "I thought I did too, but I haven't----HOLY CRAP!" cried out Lydia. "She can't be pregnant! NOT NOW! We haven't reached the Mountain yet! Tell me, Lydia, who is the father?!" barked Thorin.

"Who do you think, Thorin? It takes two to produce a baby, you idiot!! I haven't been with any other person! The only one person I've been with is you!!" snapped Lydia. Thorin froze as he did remember that he and Lydia made love in Rivendell. "Damn it! What was I thinking? I should have to stayed away from you, you two faced whore!!! Now you're going to slow us down!!" fumed Thorin, angrily. "Thorin, ENOUGH!" shouted Gandalf, as he heard Thorin yelling at Lydia. Lydia quickly climbed out of bed, as she raced out of the door, but Oin tried to stop her, but she shoved Oin aside, and left the room in tears. As Oin went to follow Lydia, Oin shot an angry glare at Thorin. "Your ass is mine, once I get done talking with Lydia, Oakenshield!" growled the Healer, as he stormed out of the room. "I take it this is not a happy occasion." growled Gandalf. "No, it's not Gandalf! Lydia is pregnant, which means it would cause us delay!!" snapped Thorin. "That is no reason for you to get angry at Lydia--you're only causing more harm than good to yell and scream at her like that, it will cause more distress on her, and the unborn child as well!" snapped Gandalf.

Thorin fell silent. "Your actions like I said before, can lead you into trouble, Thorin, if you don't handle it carefully--and in Lydia's case, you are not doing a great job of it." said the wizard. Thorin sat down on the bed, and buried his head in his hands. "If I hurt her, its my fault--I didn't mean to." grumbled Thorin. "Maybe you should talk to her! The two of you should talk about this like mature adults!" said Gandalf,and he left the room. I'm afraid to! Lydia will never speak to me now! thought Thorin.


"And this is why I do not trust Dwarves! I did not like the way he yelled at you, Lydia! Nobody, no matter what race should treat you this way! What do you see in this dwarf? Why are you courting him?" asked Beorn. "Beorn, Thorin and I have been courting for years. I knew Thorin for a long time. The first time I met Thorin when he was a Prince in Erebor." said Lydia, with a sigh, as she wiped a tear from her eyes. "Well, I just hope he gives you an apology! If not, he will be dealing with me!" growled Beorn. "That is precisely what I came to do, Beorn! If you don't mind, I like to have some privacy with Lydia!" said Thorin, firmly, as he stepped outside the front porch. Beorn nodded, and he left to take up his night watch duties on his land. "Lydia." began Thorin. "Go away, Thorin! I have nothing to say to you!" said Lydia, sharply. "Lydia, look about earlier---I'm sorry, I should have never reacted the way I did--and this pregnancy should be a happy occasion! You are producing a heir! A future heir! And it makes me happy to hear that! And about what I said of slowing us down, you won't slow us down! Right now you are five weeks, and by the time we reach Lake Town, you will be close to four months." said Thorin.

"That's just it, Thorin---that's the dilemma I'm having right now! Should I go on with all of you, or stay here, and have my child!" said Lydia. Thorin closed his eyes. The thought of leaving her behind with Beorn is definitely not going to happen by his book. "No, Lydia--you are going with us! I'm not leaving you here with this Beorn--I don't trust him!" said Thorin. "But I cannot travel in this condition!" protested Lydia. "Maybe we should discuss this with the others, how's that sound?" asked Thorin. Lydia nodded. "You still love me, I can still see the love in your eyes, Li!" said Thorin. "I love you, yes, but I am angry at the way you reacted about the pregancy--and yes, Thorin, I forgive you!" said Lydia. "Good!" said Thorin, as he pulled Lydia into his arms. Lydia lay her head upon his chest. "Lydia, if you chose to stay here, it's fine with me!" said Thorin. "You really mean it?" asked Lydia.

"Yes, but promise me you'll meet up with me in Erebor!" said Thorin. "I will leave to Erebor once the child is born." said Lydia. "Lydia, you know we'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon, so let's spend as much time together as we can!" said Thorin. Lydia nodded, as they sat quietly for a while. "It's getting cold, Thorin! Should we go in?" asked Lydia. "Of course!" said Thorin gently. And so the two of them stood up, and they walked back inside the house, and they joined with the rest of the Company in Beorn's Great Hall. They could see already the Dwarves sat on the floor around the fire pit, laughing merrily, and telling jokes, when that was done, Bofur and several dwarves called out for some singing. "Let's have Thorin led us into a song this time! You had led us into song, earlier, Bo!" said Fili. Thorin and Lydia exchanged looks. Great, I just entered the room, and I got nominated into doing something already! How did I end up walking into this? thought Thorin, rolling his eyes. "No, you lads can sing, I'll be fine!" said Thorin. "Please, Uncle! We haven't heard you sing in a while! Led us!" pleaded Kili.

"They're right! I haven't heard you sing in a while, and I love it when you sing, Thorin!" said Lydia. Thorin sighed. "Alright, I'll sing!" said Thorin, smiling at everyone. Bofur approaches Thorin, carrying a lute that he found in one of the rooms in Beorn's house. "What is this?" asked Thorin. "Since you lost your harp in the Goblin Caves, I figured you can play this!" said Bofur, handing over the lute to Thorin. Thorin nodded, as he took the lute and sat down cross legged on the floor, placing the lute on his lap. Lydia sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Soon as Thorin began to strum the lute, Thorin started to sing, shortly joined in by the rest of the Dwarves, and Bofur joined in with Thorin as he began playing his flute:

The wind was on the withered heath

But in the forest stirred no leaf;

There shadows lay, by night and day

And dark things silent crept beneath.

The wind came down from mountains cold

And like a tide it roared and rolled;

The branches groaned, the forest moaned

And leaves were laid upon the mould.

When the song ended, Lydia smiled and sighed, as she looked at her dwarf sleepily. Thorin took notice of Lydia feeling tired, and he put the lute aside, and pulled Lydia into his arms, holding her close to his chest. Lydia gently rests her head upon Thorin's broad chest and fell into a peaceful deep sleep.

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