Chapter Sixteen

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It was like the world came crumbling down. Maren was standing a few inches away from me but her eyes read like she was a million miles away.

I had to tell her. I couldn't lie to her or keep it a secret any longer. I was in love with Maren and I needed to tell her before she went on dating that Jack guy she was snogging. I couldn't go on like that.

Sure, Liam was going to murder me later on but that didn't matter.

"Maren?" I said, trying to prod her from her trance-like state.

She blinked a few times and tears formed in her eyes. " don't mean that."

I narrowed my eyes a little, trying to understand. "I meant what I said." I firmly stated.

Maren shook her head, wiping her eyes dry. She looked around at the garden-like place we were in, the music and lights from the party-goers just around a tall hedge. Maren looked anywhere but at me.

"No you don't."

I waited for her to burst out laughing after that, to say she was just kidding and that she felt the same way. Anything. Anything but to contradict my words. "Why are you telling me what I mean and don't mean?" I said, finally frustrated myself. Where was all of this coming from? What had I done wrong? Why was Maren acting like this? "Hey," I said, standing up and grabbing her hands, hoping she would face me. "I meant what I said. I do love you, Maren, and I'm going to tell you why." I began calmly.

Maren was in hysterics. She was sobbing and grasping for breath in between sobs. And yet, she still couldn't face me.

"I don't expect you to remember anything. I don't have any expectations from you. But please just listen to what I have to say," I took a breath. Here it was, come on, Niall, lay it all out on the table... "About two months ago, I asked you out on a date," I began uncertain, waiting for a reaction as I kept my gaze on her profile. "And you said yes. Not at first, but after awhile you did."

I honestly never thought I'd like Liam's little sister. From the moment when we first met, I thought she was exactly like Liam. As much as I loved the guy, a girl version of him was not my type. But Maren was totally different from my expectations or assumptions. She was fun, daring, smart, witty, and just amazing. Before I knew it I was head over heels for Liam's little sister. Crazy, I know.

So I obviously had to ask her out.

It was about October and the guys and I were doing well in the whole X Factor thing. Maren had tagged along when we all decided to grab a bite at McDonald's. When she was finally all alone, I decided to make my move.

"Hey," I said, sliding into the booth across from her.

She looked up from her phone. "Hey,"

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, trying to be cool about this.

Maren shrugged. "Go ahead."

"Do you wanna go out sometime? Like on a date?" My heart was racing.

Maren bit her lip and squinted her eyes, thinking. "Hmm. No." She decided after awhile.

I gave her a look. "No?"

She laughed lightly. "Exactly. No."

I wanted to ask her why but Zayn showed up and we weren't alone. But from then on, I was driven to make her change her mind. I was determined for her to go out with me. I wouldn't stop until she did. I honestly didn't know why I was so determined. With any other girl, I probably would've cut my losses and moved on. But Maren wasn't any other girl.

I continued seeing no response coming from Maren. "And we've been dating ever since." I finished quietly.

Maren sighed, her whole body shuddering. "Can I ask you a question, Niall?"

She still had a faraway, distant look in her eyes which I could only see a hint of from her profile.


"Do I love you?" Her voice was wavering and uncertain, probably from crying so much. Her body finally turned and faced me, a ghost of a smile on her face and her hazel eyes finally connecting with mine.

"Yes." I said with all of the certainty she lacked at the moment.

I drew her in close, breathing in her fresh scent and wrapping my arms around her.

For the first time in weeks, I was complete.


A/N I'm soooo sorry for not updating in sooo soooo long <33 Aw :( But this fanfic is almost done yay! And so is school which means more updating!!! Double yayyyY!!! I've just been super busy and uninspired lately.... so sorry <33 I love you all thanks for everything mwah <33

xx Kellie

Try To Remember (Niall Horan Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now