Chapter Nine

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Photo shoots were boring. I mean, I guess it would've been fun if I was actually like, doing it but I was just watching those five idiots prance around and look "hot" for the camera. I wondered if I ever did a photo shoot. The things the boys had to do, I remembered doing something like it.

Well okay, I didn't exactly remember it but I felt like I did.

"You good, Mare?" Liam asked for the umpteenth time. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine. I just wished you would stop worrying about me." I gave him a small smile and nudged him toward his band mates. "Go on."

Liam kissed my forehead and jogged off.

"Oh my gosh, Maren! How are you, babe?'

I turned around to a very much American-accented woman with lavender colored hair and a wild outfit. "Hi?"

"The girls and I miss you so, so, so much! It's totes not the same without you, babycakes." The woman embraced me and I saw as she let go her ID tag: Ivona Larita; Choreographer.

Choreographer? She was a choreographer? How'd I know a choreographer? I glanced back at Liam who was giving Niall a piggy-back ride. I had a feeling he was telling me things, but not everything. Not all of it.

"Yeah, I, erm, miss you too," I said, forcing a smile. I went along with all of it because I wanted to get the answers nobody was giving me.

"Especially Marietta who just can't get her triple pirouette! Oh god, I wish you still danced. A shame you quit, eh?" Ivona said, clutching her hand to her heart dramatically.

"Yeah, a shame," I echoed distractedly.

Dance? Since when was I a dancer? I didn't recall.... Then again, I didn't remember a lot of things.

"But it's great you're traveling with your brother, such a darling boy. How's your knee by the way?" Ivona asked, clearly unaware of my confusion.

"Fine." I replied quickly.

"That's wonderful, dear. I truly hope you can dance again some day. You were so talented and passionate! I mean you gave up so much for it." She gave me a sympathetic smile. "And that boyfriend of yours, how is he doing?"

My eyes widened a little. Boyfriend? I had a boyfriend? Who the hell was my boyfriend? My head spun and I felt dizzy all of a sudden.

"Good, he's great." I said; my voice weak.

"Excellent. It was great seeing you again, Maren. I'll tell the other girls you said hello and whatnot. Ta-ta!"

I smiled quickly at her as she left me to my thoughts.

Right then and there it had just hit me, a cold hard wake-up call that this was all real: I just frickin lost my memory.


"You alright, Maren?" Zayn asked me on the ride back to Liam's flat. He sat next to me while I sat at the window seat. Liam sat across from me, Niall next to him and Louis and Harry opposite of each other at the other end.

I shrugged. I didn't want to say anything to anyone about Ivona Larita or what she had told me. I wanted to find out on my own. I kept thinking about it though. That's probably why I wasn't talking. I was thinking.

"Yeah," Liam echoed.

I rolled my eyes and tried to give him a reassuring smile, meeting the eyes of everyone in the car. "Hey, I'm fine. I doubt I could get worse after being in an accident and loosing my memory." I laughed lightly.

Hesitant smiles started to appear on their faces so I turned back to the window. As soon as we pulled up at the driveway, I held back the urge to sprint to my room. Back in my room I searched "Ivona Larita". Hundreds of results showed up so of course, being lazy, I clicked on the very first one.

It was a website for Sparks Dance Academy.

Sparks Dance Academy is a prestigious dance school located in New York City. The best of the best are accepted to train at SDA. We offer various dance classes from the classic ballet to the modern hip hop.

Blah blah blah. I scrolled further down the page. Then something caught my eye.

One of our notably outstanding instructors, Ivona Larita, has trained numerous young pupils into extraordinary dancers. [Click here for more info]

So of course, I clicked there. There was a list of girls that either trained there or were on their "famous" dance team.

And then I felt my heart literally stop.

There was my name, big and linked, with a picture of me leaping into the air, a big smile on my makeup covered faced.

Wow. So this was who I had become.

I clicked on my name.

Maren Elizabeth Payne, eighteen years old, has been dancing at Sparks Dance Academy for nearly ten years. She is on the Sparks Dance team and has won many awards. Maren does ballet, lyrical, contemporary, hip-hop, and modern. Other than dance, Maren has acted and modeled for Teen Vogue. She has also danced alongside Danielle Peazer in the British television show, The X Factor. "I love dance with a passion. I don't think I'm ever going to quit," The spirited teen says. "I hope other girls try dance. Its loads of fun and through it all, I've learned many things as well as making such good friends."

Everything was dizzy again. So I was a dancer... Never would I have thought I'd end up being a dancer. That's probably why I remembered the posses the boys were doing, I had also modeled.

Ha this had to be some kind of joke. I was being Punk'd or something. This wasn't real.

Ironically it was. It felt like I was acting a part in some movie, like I was living someone else's life, but not my own. I couldn't take it any more. I couldn't take not knowing anything or being confused.

I needed to go back home. I needed to go back to something I knew.

"Liam, I need to talk to you..."


A/N Basically this chapter was mostly inner turmoil within Maren... yup. Hope you all like it! Fan, comment, vote. You know the drill (;

xx Kellie

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