PART TWO- Wind, Chapter 8

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Cold.  There is no other better way to describe the place thatKristy had taken Melanie to.  The room was an icy blue with icicles dangling from the ceiling. As Melanie had stepped into the room after Kristy, one of them just barely missed her as it came crashing down to the ground from her left.  She jumped at first but quickly put on a straight face after seeing Kristy’s troubled glance in her direction. 

          Silently, Kristy pulled out a short wand.  It was less than her arm’s length in size and had mysterious ever-changing golden patterns etched into the green tinted wood.  Then, breaking the long silence that followed, she explained its purpose, “This will be your wand until you master all of the elements and will be able to cast spells and such without needing the help of a wand.  Guard it well, for you will not get another,” Kristy handed Melanie her wand and she slowly turned it around in her hands, feeling its energy, “Everyone has a wand that is special to them and will only work in their hands. You are now… connected.  You will be able to use it to control the wind once you understand the wind’s power.”

          “Thank you…” Melanie breathed out, still examining the wand that had started to glow at the slightest touch from Melanie.  So this is what Kristy was talking about.  The wand and I are connected.  “So, what’s next?” she asked in a determined tone.

          “I see someone’s ready to get started!”  Melanie fails to suppress a bright smile.  Kristy looked impressed with her, “First off we are going to try to call the element to us.  I want you to relax, close your eyes, and think of anytime and anyplace that you experienced the wind’s power and forcefulness. ” Melanie nodded and closed her eyes shut.

Kristy started humming an ancient tune that started out clear, but then a great winded sound comes barreling through the room.  Kristy’s hair stood up straight, but Melanie hadn’t felt a thing. 

When Kristy had told her to think about the wind’s power, she had immediately thought and concentrated on a time when she was six.  Her father had taken her and eight year-old Mallory to the lake to fish on a friend’s sailboat and the wind blew them far away from shore. 

Suddenly, Melanie was there at sea.  Literally.  No longer was she with Kristy in the cold room, she was on a sailboat alongside a young Mallory, her dad, and a little version of herself, struggling with tying a complicated knot on a rope.  Her dad laughed and she giggled in return.  He tied the knot like a pro causing young Melanie’s smile to expand even more.  

She then realized how much she missed her dad.  He was the helpful dad who loved her and made her laugh. He was the one who, no matter how much he worked, never failed to come home with a smile pasted on his face to greet his little girls.

Smiling to herself, she looked out over the lake.  The view was absolutely breath-taking.  Seagulls called out from above, the blue-green water churned and splashed up against the sailboat, the air was rich in a salty scent, and the sea breeze sung melodies into her ear.  Wait!  The sea breeze was really singing!  She was glad no one on the boat couldn’t hear or see her because they would’ve heard her shout of surprise.  The wind was singing:

La laaaa la la la lala

ᴐna sa gtᴎ

ᴄᴆ∫ knel hsdt

∩yy lala

Sqer jgo∂ fjeiow₩

La laaaa la la la lala

The wind’s voice was that of a lost language.  Its power rippled through the air.  Invisible and mysterious, it danced and pushed the boat far, far out to sea.  The force caused a tear in the mast. It ripped loudly and caused Mallory to panic. 

Little Mallory screamed and fell over onto the old wood board flooring.  Blood came fast from her chin.  That’s where she got that scar.  Mr. Sanders jumped up from where he was kneeling in front of young Melanie and rushed to Mallory’s side.  “Are you alright sweet heart?  It’ll be fine, just a little cut.” But from the look on his face, you could tell that it wasn’t.  The wind had blown the boat to the center of the lake, and, with no method of communication, there was no way to get her to land for help.  They were stuck with no way to get to shore in time.

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