Chapter 11

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“Ok, what’s going on here?”  Melanie’s eyes darted accusingly back and forth between her mother and father.  She pulled free from her dad and stood akimbo in front of him as Mrs. Sanders, the queen of Emerald Green, moved lightly across the throne room to join them.  

          The royals cut a slight glance at each other before Melanie’s mother finally spoke up.  “Kristy, could you leave the room, please?  We need to be alone as a family.”

          Melanie had forgotten about Kristy who was now making her way out the door.  There was a disappointed look on her face.  The queen noticed it and added, “I’m so sorry, but we won’t be too long.”  Kristy nodded and reluctantly excused herself out of the massive room.

They were alone.  In the silence that followed, Melanie could hear Kristy’s footsteps disappearing down the hallway. 

          At last, when you could no longer hear Kristy walking down the hall, the king smiled knowingly and said, “You may need to sit down.”  Melanie looked around, but the only chairs she saw were the thrones on the front wall.  “Oh, right!”  Mr. Sanders snapped his fingers.

          A chill wind filled the air and brushed right past Melanie, over to the wall on her left side.  SLAM!  A table unfolded from the wall and banged down onto the marble floor.  Three chairs then unfolded from the table.

          “Whoa,” Melanie said blatantly.  Her wand pulsed in her pocket and she knew it was wind magic that her dad had used.  They all took a seat on the chairs.

          “Melanie… we are older than you think we are,” her mom started, “actually, thousands of years older.  I’m sorry we didn’t tell you sooner.  We didn’t even know that one of our daughters was the one of the great prophesy until The Sorcerer and Kristy told us how similar we looked to you.  Once we realized it really was you, we had to tell them me and your father’s secret.”

          “Which was?”

          Mr. Sanders, in place of Mrs. Sanders, explained, “Sweetie, Emma and I aren’t supposed to be married… New Tyme’s king and Emerald Green’s queen can’t be together, they have to be with someone from their own realm.  Despite the rules, we fell in love and secretly got married.  No one knew but us,” he smiled to Mrs. Sanders, “Mallory was a surprise and you came along a few years later.  She was born in my realm and you were born in Emerald Green.  We had to move you to Earth where we were born and it was safe.  We never told anyone of our secret, even our own kids, until now.”

          Emma Sanders blushed slightly and added, “Tom and I aren’t really gemologists either… we made that up so that we could leave and rule over our realms and not have to explain this complicated magical world to anyone.  If you save the realms, we could legally join together Emerald Green, New Tyme, and even Dark Night,” she said a little more uncertainly.  They both smiled and waited for Melanie’s reaction.  She awkwardly fidgeted under the solid table.

          I’m a princess, a sorceress, and I’m supposed to be the one to reunite three realms that have been in a feud for thousands of years. A wave of emotions crossed her face.  What if she failed?  “It will all be okay, baby,” her mother moved in to embrace her in a warm hug and she accepted it willingly.  No matter what happened, she had her mom, and that’s all she thought about as she relaxed in her mother’s arms.  “We will all have each other.”

•         •         •

          Melanie sat cross-legged on the bed that she had proclaimed hers.  Her father said she could help herself to any room in the palace.  Her mother sat across from her admiring her choice of room.  Melanie couldn’t help but admire it as well, she loved everything about it.  Her own room came in second to this awe-inspiring room.  There was some sort of magical feel to it that made her feel safe and secure.

          It was very similar to the room she had stayed in before, with the same fantastical balcony and a bed that was the same, but in a different color.  It was her favorite color: green.  The color scheme to this room was all different shades of green, black, and white. 

          “This room was made in honor of Emerald Green.  The one you stayed in earlier was the traditional New Tyme theme.  It is used most in all of the other rooms in the palace.  There is a Dark Night tribute as well, but it is dark and mysterious…sometimes people go in, curious as to what they might find, and they never come out.”  A blank look occupied her face.  The same look that Melanie had seen on all of the adults she had seen and come to know.

          She changed the subject, “When am I going to learn the other elements?  Will I be with Kristy?”  It seemed like all she ever did was ask questions.

          “You will learn the other elements in time for the point of battle which will occur when the time is right.  Kristy will teach you most of them, but the Sorcerer just arrived to help out.”

          “He reminds me of Sarah.  He looks like her, talks like her, and he even has her short term memory loss!” She and her mom started to giggle. 

          “I guess he does if you think about it.”  Melanie smiled at her mom.  It was just like it used to be before they left to go to “Europe.”  “Alright, sweet heart, it’s getting late, I’ll be just next door.  I still have to be hidden, remember?  Don’t come calling my name in the middle of the hallway, people will think that you’re crazy.”

          “If they don’t already think that I am.” Melanie smiled.

          “Whatever,” Mrs. Sanders joked as she moved back over to the door, her hand hovered over the light switch, “Goodnight, sleep tight…”

          “Don’t let the bedbugs bite!” Melanie finished like she did when she was a little kid. 

“Sweet dreams.”  The light switched off and her mother gingerly shut the door with a click.  The room was plunged into darkness and Melanie fell asleep instantly.

**A/N** heyy everyone! im SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry about the slow upload this chp., school started and ever since then life has been going bye in fast forward. I also broke my finger, so it's hard to type... :(

i feel like everyone who reads my book stops at the beginning and doesn't give it a chance. please comment if you are actually reading.

ALSO, please help me to figure out who should be in the cast. you can find the descriptions of the characters in the chp. 9 comments.  please help me!!!!!!

remember to vote and comment!  thankss my lovely readers!(:

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