Mother!Belarus x Tennage!Reader

403 10 6

Requested by Rossihazel

(Y/N)=Your Name
(C/N)=Crush's Name
(F/C)=Favorite Color
(S/N)=School Name
Today was a great day for you.

(S/N)'s first annual prom starts today!!

You were very excited about it, except there's a problem:

Your mother didn't want you to go.
She was very worried that something would happen to you and she would blame herself for letting it happen.

"Mommy please! This is the fisrt dance, and I'm a freshman!" You begged your mom.

"I don't know (Y/N), I mean what would happen if you got kidnapped or attacked and I wasn't there?" Your mom said, having her panic episodes.

"Mom, please don't do that again. You almost fainted from that after Uncle Ivan left the house five minutes after you creeped him out." You said remembering that scene.

"What?! I was scared he was trying to check you out. I do not want men, especially brother looking at his niece like that." She mumbled, her aura growing.

You placed your hand on your mom's hand.
"Mommy, can I please go? (C/N) said he wanted me to be his date too!"

Your mom hesitated for a moment, but sighed.

"Alright, I'll see if Ivan will drop you and (C/N) off at the school. But if anything happens, call me or your uncle Ivan or at least aunt Katuyshka, if she's able to make it at least." Your mom mumbled the last part.

You squealed and hugged your mom tight after saying thank you like a hundred times.

You went up to your room and got dressed in your (F/C) prom dress you picked out with your uncle.

You were very excited but scared at the same time because of one reason, Ravis(sorry for all the Latvia lovers!!)).

For some reason he would either stare at you all day at school or message you on every social media you had.

You never told anyone even your mother about him but your uncle knew, which was the reason he stared at you like that before your mom drove him away.

He knew after seeing him follow you home one day when your mom went grocery shopping and you walked home from school.

He hasn't told you yet because he had something up his sleeve for it.

Just as you got settled you heard Ivan pull up and honk his horn.

You went downstairs and gave your mom a kiss on the cheek as you got in the car as you two drove off.

"(Y/N), can I ask you something?" Ivan asked as he drove to (C/N)'s house.

"Sure, what is it?" You asked a little curious.

"How long has Ravis been stalking you?" He asked glancing as he saw you jump and breath hard at the question.

"When they announced the prom. He asked me out and I said no since I was going with (C/N). Ever since then he wouldn't accept that I declined his offer and would do all he can to follow and manipulate me and (C/N)." You explained.

"But how did you noticed this?" You asked as your heart was still pounding fast.

"I remember hearing him mumbled how he was gonna try to do something that will make you be his girlfriend. Don't worry, I'll do something." He said with a small smile.

"But it might go against the school rules and might get you in big trouble." He mumbled as he pulled it out, a small knife.

You looked at your uncle with wide eyed. "Are you crazy?! I'll be expelled for carrying that!" You yelled panicking.

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