Question by ScribbleThePup
ScribbleThePup- Yellow Diamond, how does it feel to be one of the strongest diamond authorities?
Yellow Diamond: How does it feel? It's stressful. You have gems rebelling from the left and the right and it makes me angry. If gems just spend there existence doing what they were made to do, then it would be more rewarding. But look at me. Pretty much waiting in an empty ship waiting to strike. But yes, having everyone fear me is always nice, but when I get bored and I choose to answer your miserable questions, it's dreadful.
Ask Yellow Diamond
RandomGreetings you meaningless clods. I'm growing Bord of waiting on my squad... and the entertainment is gone.... no one left to to do battle for my enjoyment. So I'm giving you a chance to do something worthwhile in your lives. I'm going to listen t...