Chapter 3: The New Arrival

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((Eevees POV))

I walk into the forest guarded by the two gnarled Treventant looking trees, I don't know why but they always frighten me...

I shake it off as nothing and continue on wards into the forest in search of Lum Berries to eat for dinner that night.

I had taken this path heaps of times, so I knew this place like the back of my paw so I keep on walking until I hear a faint rustling of leafs.

I panic thinking it is a evil Pokemon like Hypno who going to come and steal me away so I ran for it as fast as I could after several kilometers or so I stopped only to hear.

"Stop... running... please..."

I then stop and think to myself.

'Well... if it was a Hypno he would be able to out-speed me...'

I then turn back and go to where I heard the voice coming from.


I finally came across a small little clearing in which I see a...


Expect it wasn't right, it was collapsed in the middle of the clearing and had ghostly purple liquid falling out of it, it had fainted...

Now usually I would have been running for the hills by now but now just looking at it made me feel pity... 

I then make the choice to run back home to tell my adoptive sister Audino about the Gengar since she was training to be a Healer.

After twenty minutes of running to get home I see her, I tell her about the Gengar and how it is injured. 

She just looks at me in disbelief. 

"Sophie, what have I told you about making up lies and going into the forest alone!"

"I know, don't go into the forest by myself and don't lie, but I swear on my mother Glaceons life..." I stop and tear up thinking of my mother makes me sad, she died when I was only young and Audino took me in with her and her mother but about a year back she passed away... so Audino kind of took care of me from then on.

Audino sees me on the verge of tears after mentioning my mothers name and decides I'm telling the truth and we both venture out into the small clearing only to see the Gengar getting attacked by a Mandibuzz looking for some quick food.

Audino uses Moon Blast and the Mandibuzz flies off.

me and my sister run over to the Gengar and carry him back to the house and start fixing him up with bandages and what not.

After awhile he wakes up.

He looks up and blinks a few time trying to adjust his eyes to the brightly lit room.

"I hope you feel better soon and if you don't mind me asking, what happened? or would it be rude to ask?" I ask him

"No, No, its okay to ask, the only problem is... I don't have an answer I just woke up and I don't know whats going on... all I remember is a flash of light a yell a crash and then nothing..." The Gengar says

"So... you have amnesia then?"  Audino said

"Yes... I think I do..." He says

"Do you remember your name...?" Audino said

"I'm sorry but no..." he says 

"Well that's okay, My name is Lavender and this is"

"Sophia!" I say loudly and happily "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here now"  

"Well thank you, Lavender and Sophia, very much"

"Mr Gengar, since you don't have a name anymore... can I give you a name?"

"Sure why not young lady" he says 

I giggle loudly and say "How about Manson?"

"Manson you say? well that name sounds great, thank you very much"

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