Chapter 7 - Dreams...? or reality?

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((Gengar's POV))

"Test subject 219 is waking up"

"Is it a fail like the rest of them...?"

"No... Its waking up for real"


I feel power, like nothing I have ever felt before...

What...? what was that?! I think to myself.

I look around, seeing where I was, that's when I see Sofia laying next to me.

I smile to myself.

"Must have only been a dream..." I say softly "But... It... it felt so real..."

"Huh? did you say something." Sofia said sleepily.

"Two things, one, why are you sleeping next to me and two, its nothing, go back to sleep."

"Well since part of house got destroyed only two rooms remained, yours and Lav's but I didn't want to share a bed with my sister so I offered to sleep with you after you fell asleep, also Lav used Heal Pulse and fixed my wounds so i'm good as new!" she says with a smile.


"Please, go to sleep!" I say to her.

"Nope!" she says back.

"Fine, tell your sister I am going for a walk into Wintown and check out our local surroundings." I say.

"Nope! i'm coming with you."

"Fine, but can you keep up? because, last one there is a Slowpoke."  I say.

"Your on!" she says.

"Hang on Sofia, better write a note to your Lavender about where we are going."

"Sure!" she says.

I quickly grab a piece of paper and scribble on it.

Hey Lavender, me and Sofia are going to go check out Wintown, we will be back later, please don't worry about her, she is in good hands, cya later.

~ Manson

"Hurry up, otherwise when you lose I will start calling you a Slowking!" she screams out at me. 

"I'm coming." I say.

I then run as fast as I can trying to get a head start on Sofia.

"Haha, cheater!" she screams out before running straight past me and into the town which was only a few hundred meters away.

After a minute or so I reach her panting slightly.

"Ha, your fast Sofia."

She just continues to look at me and smiles happily.

We then walk into the town and walk in and out of shops.

There was a 'Porygons Sweet Shack' 'Jynx's Real Estate' 'Lopunny's Manicure and Massage Parlor' and many other shops.

"This your first time in Wintown, Manson...?" she says.

"Yea, it is." I say admiring the view, for a town this place was very large.

That's when I see it, a small shop called.

'Xatu's Future Telling'

I point it out to Sofia.

"Oh... that place, it never has anyone in there, only old Xatu, he is like the Wintowns Elder." Sofia says.

"Okay well, I will be back in a minute, I just want to know what my Future holds." I say.

"Sure, but be quick!" she says.

"Okay." I say quickly.

I then walk in, the shop was small and covered with a thick layer of dust.

I walk up to the front counter.

"Mr. Xatu, can you please tell me what my future entails?"

A shifty and shaken looking Xatu emerges from the back on the shop.

"Yes." he says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Your future is that of a dark one" he says after grabbing hold of my hands "You are getting hunted by not only a Weavile now... but many others, keep your loved ones closes but your enemy's closer, my friend, good luck." he says before vanishing back into the deeper part of his shop.

"Thanks." I call out to him.

"Your welcome, child of Arceus, now begone before you bring more evil into my shop!" he calls back.

'That was weird' I think to myself

((Weavile's POV))

"Dark lord, i'm sorry I failed you..." I say to him.

"Pity isn't an emotion I feel for scum like you." the Dark Lord says.

"I'm so sorry..." she says.

"Lock her up in the Dungeons, Luxray, Zangoose."

"PLEASE NO!" she screams out as she is dragged away by the two Pokemon.

"This is what you get for disappointing The Dark Lord." says the Zangoose.

"Next time... don't come back empty handed, if there even is a next time." the Luxray says.

I begin to sob uncontrollably.

"Please no! everyone knows once you go in to the dungeons your never heard from again!" she screams out in her tears.

"I'm sorry..." says the Zangoose "This is how the cookie crumbles." Luxray says.

Before opening the door to the cell and throwing me into it.

"Rot in there like you deserve!" says Luxray.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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