Chapter 4 - Trail Runs Cold

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((??? POV))

The moon light illuminated the tree tops, darkening its unknowing roots. as the rain fell to the ground damping it

I see blood of a purplish colour running from the elite 4... it leads into the Darkwood Forest

I walk into the forest, hoping not to run into any other Pokemon on my trail.

I walk on for a few hundred not hearing anything but the faint rustle of leafs and the distant far off sound of a Murkrow.

After some time I see something, a large Ursaring standing in front of me blocking me from seeing the path of ghostly blood.

"Move" I say "Before I make you."

"You really think a weak Pokémon such as yourself is going to stop me? Your out of your mind."

"fine... Have it your way." I say.

I smile as blood rushes through my veins and I get an adrenaline rush.

I look him directly in the eyes before I say calmly.

"Let me finish this."

"Yea, let me" he says and runs at me with a slash.

It hits and leaves long deep marks in my skin.

I stumble to my knees, and use Psychic on him, he us lifted off his feet and dangled in mid air, frozen like a puppet.

"now... What to make you do first?" I then decide upon stretching all of his limbs to the point of almost being ripped off.

He screams out in agony.

"You this you crazy bitch! Stop this."

"Only if I hear Please" giving his body one final pull.

"Please, stop, please."

I then let him go.

He then falls to the ground and begins to crawl away.

I laugh at him before saying.

"You honestly think i'm going to to let you go? Please, you cant honestly think i'm going to let you go and tell the authority about what I have done to you so they can lock me up, again... i'm sorry this is the way the cookie has to crumble, besides its better for me and you get to go to a better place"

I then use Icicle Crash.

Spears of ice appear from a portal above his head as he begins to crawl away they rain down above him piecing him like knifes leaving holes in his brown furish skin.

I then laugh maniacally and pick up a small shard of ice and carve something into a tree.

Don't get in the way of Lady Vile

I then get up and walk away leaving a trail of redish blood behind me still following the trail of ghostly blood clearly belonging to a Gengar...

I follow the trail for a few hundred more meters following the twisted winding woods until I hear the screeching of a Fearow.

"Uhhhhggg, Shut up!"

I then use Ice shard generating small ice particles and send them to it knocking it out of the sky some several hundred meters away.

"Much better."

I say enjoying the peacefulness as I continue the blood until I reach a clearing in which I see no more blood.

"Gengar, what are you playing at...? where did your trail go...?"

I walk into the center of the clearing and just wait there.

As I look around I see a separate set of foot prints a lot smaller followed by another larger set of foot prints...

I bend down and sniff the footprints.

"Hmm, by the looks of things it was a Eevee and an Audino."

I sniff again.

"As I thought, taking the Gengar too"

I smile and follow the footprints to a house just on the outskirts of the woods.

I watch the house from the bushes.

Biding my time, waiting.

The next chapter is going to be just explaining some stuff so its no going to be a real chapter, just warning you now so if you want you can skip it

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